The Hallmarks of the Renaissance a. Individualism b. Secularism c. Antiquity d. Skepticism 2. Renaissance Art Renaissance Women – Men married younger women – Resulted in many widows – Women could inherit property – In charge of nurturing children O Some say that’s why the arts.. – Upper class women enjoyed high degree of freedom – Still expected to obey husbands- still unequal Isabella detest (First Lady of the Renaissance) – Window – Leader of Mantra – Patron of the arts – Founds school of girls O Liberal arts O Learn poetry and literature
O Dancing – O Music O To entertain Catherine De Medici – Italian married into – Three sons became king of France – Controls the law – Architecture O Wing to the Louvre Laura Cerate – University of Pravda O Moral education – Wrote letters about life Christine De Paisa – “The City of Ladies” O Should carve out own place in society O If they don’t give place in society, should leave and create our own The Hallmarks of the Renaissance Antiquity: a renewed interest in ancient Greek and roman civilizations. Italians copied the ancient Roman lifestyle The study of the Greek and Roman classics led to humanism Humanism: the attempt to understand human nature through a study of pagan antiquity and Christian thought. – humanists believed that there were no limits to what human beings could accomplish- HUMANS CAN DO ANYTHING! Individualism: Medieval people usually saw themselves as members of a group. (Asia- group; West- themselves) – Renaissance people believed in individual will and genius. Secularism: One becomes concerned with materialism rather than religion. – People became more concerned about money and the accumulation of wealth.
Interested in pleasure and the enjoyment of life on Earth Renaissance Art Anatomy – humanism – Humanism was represented by a renewed interest in man – Expressed in art through a renewed interest in anatomy – Dad Vinci – dissected corpses illegally! – Michelangelo sculpture of David demonstrates the detailed attention paid to anatomy O Classical Greek style Perspective – vanishing point – Disappearing lines – Horizontal lines Antiquity – Greek and Roman Allegory of Spring The School of Athens O Plato and Aristotle O World up and down – Reading – Discussions Love of Nature

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