Through the activities was undertaken in class about negotiation, I realized that different negotiation tactics have crucial impact on negotiation in the workplace. In the activities, I was assigned to play the role of manager (Dale Williams). I need to persuade two of my subordinates to wear safety glasses. I use pressure to told Taylor she should allow the principle of company, if she doesn’t wear safety galsses, she will be fired. I give her pressure. she wants keep her job, finally, we were got a deal. And she is unhappy. In the second turn, I changed my way of talking to Chris Johnson.
First I show my care of her, I asked her do u have problems of your eyes. Then I tell her experience of J. B. Harris. J. B. Harris was suffered a serious accident in another division. And she missed six weeks of work after an eye injury. If don’t wear safety glasses when work, it is easy to have risk to hurt eyes. Finally , we got a deal, and she is happy this time.. contrast these same situation but different experience and different tactics I used. I realized that the first time I used of fear to evoke a desired response from Taylor.
It is nor effective. when I want to negotiation and get a deal. the better way and easy way is show my sympathy and worry first . it is easy let people can accept. KNOW:::From the aactivity, I know effective and good communication is an essentially significant source of negotiation power. A good communicator can manager a group or an organization easily. At the same time, it also can improve the pproduactivity of work.. on occasion, good communication is not easy. It needs people who . In fact, from this role play, I also know listening is very important.

For example, Obama is good at motivation , when listen his speech, I always full of energy. And willing to accepet what he present. I realize the barriers existed in the process of negotiation. In this process, my parten is from indonisia as Pat Taylor. but I come from Chian. When we communicate, we have language barri. She have been this comapy for 20 years, More than me. She is the informal leaders of the group of more experienced employeers. I wanna she can tell me more about her experience. But she The tutor teach us types of influence tactics.
Power used well achieves effective communication and positive results. Negotiating power is the ability of the negotiator to influene the behavior of another. What actions do you plan to take based on what you learnt? did you discover that a particular influence tactic is more/less effective and therefore are you likely to use this tactic in future negotiations? What did you learn about your natural preferences for influencing tactics based on? the aactivity? you might have felt more comfortable using ‘rationality’ and less comfortable using one or more other tactics.

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