Real Estate, Race, and Sociology

Real Estate, Race, and Sociology
Impact of Real Estate, Race and Sociology on Residential Decisions
The study explores the pattern associated with real estate in the United States concerning racial disparities and sociological differences. It aims at identifying how individuals end up living in various localities and the aspects that play a significant role in their decisions to live in those areas.
The study will provide the reader with an understanding of how real estates, race, and sociology have a significant role and influence on individual’s decisions regarding their residential locations. The study covers the patterns in residential with regard to the development of the real estate, the ability to afford a certain level of residential, the sociological aspects that lead to the residential decision making, and the racial factor in residential decisions. The study also provides the reader with the gaps that exist due to racial inequality between gentrifies and the housing policies and how they impact individual’s residential decisions.
The residential decision of individuals in the United States varies due to various factors. To identify some of the factors that influence where people reside, the study explores the impact of real estate, race, and sociology in influencing residential decision-making. Various patterns of residential are analyzed through the study to support the hypothesis, including social stratification process, unplanned and constrained conditions, gentrifications affiliated with local retail development, household vulnerability variation due to the differences in terms of socioeconomic and racial, and the local and national government housing policies. The study’s objective is to identify how the factors associated with real estate, race, and sociology have impacted the decisions of where one resides.

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