1. Article – Netiquette

Question: What is netiquette? Why is this important to our class? What tips do you have to share with the entire class? What should you always do in an online class? What should you avoid doing?

2. Article – How to Be a Better Ace my homework – Writer

question: After reading the article on how to be a better writer, what tips will be useful to you and your online class experience? What tips do you have from any previously taken online classes?

3. Article – Generations on the Move

https://viewfinder.expedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online/01/Expedia-Generations-on-the-Move.pdf
Question: After reading the article, Generations on the Move, what did you find interesting? What trends do you see in the travel industry related to generations? How can the travel industry respond and change to meet the needs of various generations? Do you see yourself represented by your generation in the article? If yes or no, why or why not?

4. Article – Travel Trend’s – Frommer’s

https://www.frommers.com/slideshows/848227-the-trends-that-will-shape-travel-in-2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online
Question: After reading the article on travel trends, what trends stood out to you? Why did they? What do you see that may be missing from this article that you think is an important trend in the travel industry? Did you relate to any of the trends, if yes, why?

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