Overview: For your final project, develop a Risk Management Plan which details the plan for managing risk for your selected project.

Instructions: The plan should include all necessary sections based on the reding and course work during this course. I need help writing my essay – research paper don’t confuse this with the Risk Register or Risk Response Planning. See Polaris: Lessons in Risk Management, Dr. Byrne, Chapter 2, Risk Management Planning and the PMBOK Guide for guidance. There is no template for this assignment, as this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of what must be included in a Risk Management Plan.


• Page Requirement: 4-8 pages.

• If needed, make sure to site and proper Ace homework tutors – APA format.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

BUS623 – Project and Risk Managment

Develop a Project Risk Management Plan

Evaluation Rubric for Develop a Project Risk Management Plan Assignment

CRITERIA Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement


(50 points) (40 – 49 points) (30 – 39 points) (0 – 29 points)

Required sections

All required sections are added including the project Risk Management Plan.

Most of the required sections are added including the project Risk Management Plan.

Some of the required sections are added including the project Risk Management Plan.

Few of the required sections are added including the project Risk Management Plan.

(20 points) (16 – 19 points) (12 – 15 points) (0 – 11 points)

Risk Strategy and tolerance

The project’s risk strategy and risk tolerance is clearly detailed.

The project’s risk strategy and risk tolerance is mostly detailed.

The project’s risk strategy and risk tolerance is not well detailed.

The project’s risk strategy and risk tolerance is not clearly detailed.

(20 points) (16 – 19 points) (12 – 15 points) (0 – 11 points)

Plan Clearly understood plan, regardless of background in risk or project management.

Easily understood plan, regardless of background in risk or project management.

Not easily understood plan, regardless of background in risk or project management.

Plan is not understandable, regardless of background in risk or project management.

(10 points) (8 – 9 points) (6 – 7 points) (0 – 5 points)

Clear and Professional Writing and Ace homework tutors – APA Format

Writing and format is clear, professional, Ace homework tutors – APA compliant, and error free.

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation. Sign ificant errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.

Writing and format is clear, professional, Ace homework tutors – APA compliant, and error free. Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.

Overview: For your final project, create a Risk Management Plan that defines the risk management strategy for your chosen project.

Instructions: The plan should cover all required components based on the reading and course work for this course. I need help writing my essay – research paper do not mix this up with the Risk Register or the Risk Response Planning. For further information, consult Polaris: Lessons in Risk Management, Dr. Byrne, Chapter 2, Risk Management Planning, and the PMBOK Guide. This assignment does not have a template because the purpose of this project is to demonstrate your comprehension of what must be included in a Risk Management Plan.


• 4-8 pages is the page requirement.

• If necessary, use proper Ace homework tutors – APA formatting and citations.

Before you begin, make sure to read the criteria by which your work will be judged.

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Research Helper
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