- RStudio Data Analysis – Upload a screen shot of the RStudio commands and result
How many females under the weight of 60 exist in the dataset? (Use Dataset: dataset_self_reports_of_height.csv) - RStudio Data Analysis – Upload a screen shot of the RStudio commands and result
What proportion of females do not exercise and smoke in the dataset? (Use Dataset: dataset_student_survey_data.csv)
Match the following:
Visual hierarchy – layout:
Visual hierarchy – size:
Absolute positioning:
How to manage the hierarchy of element sizes?
Where specifically should certain elements be placed?
How to arrange the position of elements?
RStudio Data Analysis – Upload a screen shot of the RStudio commands and result
What proportion of males and females never smoked and exercise frequently in the dataset? (Use Dataset: dataset_student_survey_data.csv)
Match the following:
Chart size:
Chart scales:
Chart orientation:
Chart value sorting:
A. Don’t be afraid to shrink charts, so long as any labels are still readable, and especially embrace the power of small multiple.
B. what are the most meaningful range of values given the nature of the data?
C..Which way is best?
D. Consider the most meaningful sorting arrangement for your data and editorial focus, based on the LATCH acronym.
Composition is divided into the following: (Select all that apply)
Project composition
Level composition
Chart composition
RStudio Data Analysis – Upload a screen shot of the RStudio commands and result
How many males smokers eat dinner in the dataset? (Use Dataset: dataset_tipping_data.csv)
RStudio Data Analysis – Upload a screen shot of the RStudio commands and result
What percentage of species have a petal length greater than and equal to 1.2? (Use Dataset: dataset_edgar_anderson_iris_data.csv)
RStudio Data Analysis – Upload a screen shot of the RStudio commands and result
What percentage of males paid for meals on Saturday that was over $17.50 are in the dataset? (Use Dataset: dataset_tipping_data.csv)
RStudio Data Analysis – Upload a screen shot of the RStudio commands and result
What percentage of males purchased a 1st class ticket and survived in the dataset? (Use Dataset: dataset_survival_of_passengers_on_the_titanic.csv)