
Syria has been embroiled in a civil war since 2011. Since the beginning of that war, “more than two million” refugees have fled their homes and many migrants have left the country (Yardley and Pianigiani 2013; Semple 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). While many of the people migrate to neighboring countries such as Turkey and Lebanon, others make their way to Europe or the United States, both legally and illegally (Stevis 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). The war and migration have even had some negative impacts on education in Syria (UNICEF 2013). Please note that the sources I’ve provided are from the early stages of the crisis and that there are many current sources that you will find as you do your research.

Provide details about the migration of people from Syria since the beginning of its civil war in 2011, including a discussion of the push and pull factors in migration. You should also include a discussion of the destinations of Syrian refugees. These destinations include both neighboring countries of Syria as well as more distant destinations in Europe and the United States.

To answer this question thoroughly, you may want to consider the following questions. Why are people leaving Syria? How many people have left the country and what are their destinations? What percentage of Syrians have left their homes? What are the characteristics of those who are migrating to various countries? What are they doing in their new locations? What effects are being felt both in Syria and in the destinations of these migrants?

Sources and Strategies

Choose a variety of sources. First, use the library and/or the internet databases to learn more about this subject. Because this is a current event, please look for up-to-date articles in reputable popular media (for example, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, BBC, etc.). As well, look for expert analysis and historical background by scholars, participants and journalists. Be sure that your search for expert analysis and opinions includes voices from across the political spectrum, and if possible, from outside the United States as well as inside. I’ve given you a start with four sources, shown below. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source. Nor is any other encyclopedia.

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