College of Nursing

Put the Title here (Make the first letter of each noun/verb CAPITAL)

A Proposal Submitted
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for
the Nursing Research (NURS 500) Course

First student’s name
Second student’s name
Third student’s name
Fourth student’s name
Fifth student’s name (if available)

Copy the title above and paste it here
One paragraph [6-7 sentences including info/statistics about your topic in general or the two main variable you’re studying]. Cite info taken from an article in this way (Authors’ last name, Year). Will talk about the citation style in the class.
Problem Statement
One paragraph (4-5 sentences): what is the problem, what are the benefits of your work for the government, public, and/or patients? You may add anything else…
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this study is to [put verb here] the relationship between [put your study variables] among [put your population/sample].
Research Questions
What is the relationship between [put your variables]?
Research Hypotheses
Null hypothesis. There may be no positive relationship between [put your variables].
Research hypothesis. Opposite to the null hypothesis statement.
Literature Review
Ace my homework – Write 1-2 pages (with 3 -5 paragraphs) showing resent (last 5 years) research on the problem you’re studying. You should write it like this example:
[author name and year] conducted a [put study design] aiming to [put the study purpose] on [put the study sample]. The authors found that [put their results]. Another [study design] by [author name and year] was conducted to [study purpose] on [study sample]. In this study, the authors reported that [put results]. Feel free to add more information or limitations/differences between the two studies (optional). In each paragraph, please talk about at least 2 articles and put citations.
Study Design
Ace my homework – Write one sentence about the study design. Then write 1-3 sentences about the reason for choosing this design (citation).
Study Setting
One sentence about the study location. Then 1-3 sentences talking about this location. You can add more information if desired.
Population and Sampling
Population. Who is your population in general? Ace my homework – Write about 1-3 sentences about the study population. You may paste a photo for the country map (optional).
Sampling. One sentence about the sampling strategy you’re going to use. 1-3 more sentences about the reason for choosing this strategy (citation).
Sample size. Ace my homework – Write about 2-3 sentences to show the way you calculated your sample size (citation if needed). Then one more sentence related to increasing sample size as a response to potential missing data.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria. What inclusion and exclusion criteria do you have in your study? 1 paragraph is enough. Inclusion criteria are NOT the opposite of exclusion.
What tools/instruments/scales are you going to use to help in data collection? For example, the [scale name] developed by [citation] will be used for data collection. Add more information to define the scale (e.g. type, # of subscales and items, scores range, reliability and/or validity information, and its use/translation globally).
Data Collection Procedures
One paragraph indicating the data collection and recruitment procedures. Be more specific in this section.
Data Analysis Plans
One paragraph about the tests you’re planning to use for data analysis. Select correct statistical tests depending on the level of measurement and number of your independent and dependent variables.
Ethical Considerations
One paragraph about ethical issues (will explain it in the class).

References (Should be written in Ace homework tutors – APA style)

School of Nursing

Put the Title here (Make the first letter of each noun/verb CAPITAL)

A Proposal Submitted

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

the Nursing Research (NURS 500) Course


First student’s name

Second student’s name

Third student’s name

Fourth student’s name

Fifth student’s name (if available)

Copy the title above and paste it here


One paragraph [6-7 sentences including info/statistics about your topic in general or the two main variable you’re studying]. Cite info taken from an article in this way (Authors’ last name, Year). Will talk about the citation style in the class.

Problem Statement

One paragraph (4-5 sentences): what is the problem, what are the benefits of your work for the government, public, and/or patients? You may add anything

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Write Papers
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