Congratulations! Your Mock Grant Proposal was accepted and fully funded by Community Alliance Partners for implementation over the full 5 years. Your program was such a huge success that community members, investors, and other stakeholders want you to create an organization designed specifically to meet the needs of the target population (and possibly expanding it to others) and to permanently house the program you researched and implemented. While this is very exciting, it does mean that your work is not done.

The first step in designing an organization is to generate a strategic plan. Much of your work throughout the grant proposal process should be used in drafting the strategic plan. In addition to laying the groundwork for your strategic plan, your exploration of Grant City, prior to this module, has helped you gather the necessary information to complete a SWOT analysis for the strategic plan.

You will continue to use Grant City for the Strategic Plan.

Grant City is a virtual community that was created for this course to provide you with a local community that you can easily navigate and explore. To that end, there are a few assumptions for its use in this module:

As a public health professional, you may already have a strong desire to work with a specific population to promote positive social change and improve health outcomes. As you consider your program and implement it in another community, realize that the population of Grant City has not been defined.
The resources provided in Grant City are representative of the general resources available within (or nearby) most local communities. If a particular resource is needed for your organization—and is typically available in the type of community you expect your organization to have—assume it is available.
The population of Grant City does not have a program that currently exists to meet the public health need you are bringing to the community through the grant proposal process.
For this Assignment, you will use the public health program you chose for the SPP: Mock Grant Proposal. Assume you will be establishing a newly formed organization that will be implemented within Grant City to meet the needs of your identified community, using the goals and objectives you have already written, and plan for utilizing the budget and organizational structure you created for the grant proposal. As mentioned previously, your work throughout the course and grant proposal sections should be used in conjunction with the information in Grant City to complete the strategic plan. The strategic plan examples, found in the Learning Resources, are varied and include a diverse collection of information, some of which are not needed in this Assignment. Use the guidelines provided to ensure you include only what is required.

In addition, examples of mission and vision statements, organizational charts, and SWOT analyses have been included in the Optional Resources. Again, keep in mind that many of these examples may have additional components that are not required.

: Community Alliance Partners Request for Proposal (RFP) (Word document)

National Historical Publications & Records Commission. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Grants evaluation checklist, National Archives.…

National Association of County and City Health Officials. (n.d.). Strategic planning, Retrieved April 29, 2021, from…

Phelps, C., Madhaven, G., Rappuoli, R., Levin, S., Shortliffe, E., & Colwell, R. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Strategic planning in population health and public health practice: A call to action for higher education. Milbank Quarterly, 94(1), 109–125.

You will use the Grant City Interactive to complete your Strategic Plan Assignment.
Grant City
Review the module Learning Resources on strategic planning.
Review the Learning Resources on performing a SWOT analysis, organizational charts, and mission and vision statements.
Access the link to Grant City (see the Learning Resources), and navigate the different representative organizations.
Review your grant proposal sections and feedback from your collaborative workgroup and Instructor.
Search the Internet for examples of strategic plans and consider what creative approach you may want to take for your own plan.
Create a strategic plan for your new organization based on your chosen public health program. Note that a strategic plan should not be formatted like a paper but rather as a creative presentation of some kind that should present your content in a visually interesting way that appeals to your intended audience. Use graphics, free use images, colors, animations, and formatting in your work. Your strategic plan should explain, in detail, how the organization will work and should include, in order, the following information:

Create a title page that includes:
Your name
Title for your organization
Describe your new organization, including how it differs from the host organization of your mock grant proposal.
Create a vision statement that describes your organization 3–5 years in the future.
Create a mission statement that describes what your organization does today.
This should support your vision statement.
Create three to five (3–5) core values, and briefly define them. These values are used to guide the behaviors of personnel.
Provide an organizational chart that includes:
A minimum of 10 job positions or titles
A brief description of each role and responsibilities
Note: Consider the positions/roles from the work plan in Module 3 and the budget in Module 4.
Complete a SWOT analysis of Grant City.
Use the template provided or create your own 2×2 table.
Conduct an internal analysis of your organization’s strengths and weaknesses.
Conduct an external analysis of the opportunities and threats within Grant City.
Note: Look at examples of SWOT analyses before completing this step. A SWOT analysis has a specific table that should be used in this assignment.
Develop three to five (3–5) strategic goals that are intended to convert perceived internal weaknesses to strengths, and external threats to opportunities.
Use the SMART goal format for each of the goals.
Explain how the public health program goals align with your organization’s strategic direction.
If references are required, you may use Ace homework tutors – APA style OR numbered style.

In the number reference system, a number is added in parentheses or square brackets in the appropriate place in the text, starting the numbering from 1. The references of the work is arranged by the order in which the citations appear in the text.

Remember to try to engage your audience and present the information in a visually appealing way considering your intended audience.

I need help writing my essay – research paper remember, you are creating a strategic plan for a new organization…not just your public health program!!!

The first step in designing an organization is to generate a strategic plan. Much of your work throughout the grant proposal process should be used in drafting the strategic plan. In addition to laying the groundwork for your strategic plan, your exploration of Grant City before this Module has helped you gather the necessary information to complete a SWOT analysis for the strategic plan.

The link to Grant City is located in the Learning Resources area of the Module!

Grant City is a virtual community created for this course to provide you with a local community that you can easily navigate and explore

Create a strategic plan for your new organization based on your chosen public health program. This new organization will house your public health program and other similar public health programs. I need help writing my essay – research paper review the detailed instruction in the Module for the assignment content and check the grading rubric!

Be sure to look at the examples of Strategic Plans provided in the Resource area.

While there are required content and specific order (see the detailed instructions in Module 6), you have some leeway with your creative skills for your organization’s Strategic Plan.

As stated in the syllabus, this assignment is worth 25% of your final grade, so do not assume it is easy because it is due Week 11. Your work up to this point has been guiding you to this last piece of the puzzle.


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