Psychological Disorders
Psychological disorders are defined as the abnormality or dysfunction in the behavior, thoughts, and emotions that are considered deviant from what is normal in society and which causes persistent distress to a person. When left untreated, they can interfere with your daily activities and lower the quality of life. Psychological disorders often intersect with mental disorders. But while they are two different conditions, the difference is so subtle that they are often misunderstood. It is, however, important to note that all mental disorders are behavioral disorders, but all behavioral disorders are not necessarily mental illnesses.
The common types of physiological disorders include mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, sleeping disorders, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, personality disorders such as antisocial personality disorder, sexual disorders, and psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Some psychological disorders like depression and borderline personality disorder are more common in women, while others like intermittent explosive disorder and substance abuse are more prevalent in men.
The main cause of psychological disorders is not known. However, there are various contributing factors, including genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Genetic composition means that an individual with a family history of physiological disorders is at a higher risk of developing a psychological disorder. Environmental and psychological factors such as traumatic childhood experiences and elevated stress levels are also considered as triggering factors. Chemical imbalances in the brain may also affect the normal functioning of neuroreceptors and nerves, which can result in depression and anxiety.
Signs and symptoms of psychological disorders
Symptoms differ with each disorder. However, most psychological disorders are dominated by mood and behavioral symptoms. Common symptoms include but not limited to increased irritability and aggression, substance abuse, social withdrawal, erratic behavior, denial, hallucinations, and anxiety. Severe cases dominated by suicidal thoughts and panic attacks can be life-threatening and calls for immediate medical intervention.
Who is at risk of developing psychological disorders?
Various factors are known to increase the risk of developing psychological disorders. This includes child abuse and neglect, family history of the condition, prenatal exposure to harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs, chronic medical conditions such as cancer, low birth weight, exposure to traumatic events, and substance abuse.
In the initial stages, most people experiencing symptoms of psychological disorders are always in denial and, therefore, reluctant about seeking medical help. The first step, thus, is admitting that you have a problem and then seeking treatment. Treatment options involve the use of medications such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety, antipsychotic drugs. Different types of therapies are also employed. The most common is psychotherapy, which helps to change and shape the behavior, promote the development of skills, and improve the thinking process.
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