The Individual nerve cell, comprised of the axon, dendrites, and cell body. 2. Many neurons In the nervous system? 0 86 billion 3. Function of cell body, dendrites, and axons. O Cell body: Contains the nucleus and other major components. O Dendrites: How Branch out from the cell body and receive messages from other neurons. O Axons: Carries messages away from the cell body to the dendrites. 4. Define popularization/ deportation, o Popularization: Resting state of neuron, semiprivate.

Deportation: Stimulated state, neuron is no longer mostly negative on the inside. 5. How do neurons fire? O Sodium ions pump in, depopulating the axon, before the popularization returns. 1. What is a neuron? O The Individual nerve cell, comprised of the axon, dendrites, and cell body. 2. How many neurons In the nervous spite? deportation. O The individual nerve cell, comprised of the axon, dendrites, and cell body. 2. How many neurons in the nervous system? O Sodium ions pump in, depopulating the axon, before the popularization returns.

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