Biological Basis of Psychology
Tutor-Marked Assignment 01
July 2020 Presentation
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
This tutor‐marked assignment (TMA) is worth 20% of the final mark for PSY361 Biological
Basis of Psychology.
The word limit for this assignment is 1,500 words, strictly 500 words for each question.
I need help writing my essay – research paper upload this assignment to Turnitin by Sunday, 20 September 2020, 11:55pm.
Resubmissions are allowed before this cut-off time.
TMA format [New! I need help writing my essay – research paper take note]
• Download and complete the new TMA Cover Page (screenshot below) from Canvas
L01 > Modules > Assessments.
• Acknowledge that you have read the self-declaration on academic integrity and submit
it with your TMA. There will be a penalty of 5 marks deduction if the TMA cover
page is incomplete, inaccurate or missing from the final submission of your TMA via
Turnitin. No appeals concerning the Cover Page will be entertained.
• Use Times New Roman 12 point, double line spacing throughout.
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
School of Humanities & Behavioural Sciences
Psychology Assignment Cover Page
Student’s Name (official): Click here to enter text.
Student’s PI: Click here to enter text. Date of Submission: Click or tap to enter a
Course Code: PSY361 Assignment Type: TMA01
I need help writing my essay – research paper read and acknowledge the following self-declaration on academic integrity by clicking
all 3 check-boxes (a cross will appear in the box) to indicate that you have understood and
abided by each item.
Plagiarism or Self-Plagiarism
☐ The assignment I am submitting for this course is original and new work. All sources
I have quoted or referred to while working on this assignment have been properly
cited and acknowledged. This assignment is substantially my own work (i.e., I have
not excessively quoted other people’s work and have not copied chunks of text,
word for word), and is not work that I have submitted for assessment previously for
another course.
☐ This assignment is entirely the product of my own effort. I have not sought help from
other people, whether in person or electronically, and whether from persons known
to me personally or otherwise.
☐ I have read and understood Section 7.2.2 of the SUSS’s Student Handbook on
academic integrity, and am aware of the University’s penalties for academic
dishonesty, which include marks deduction and expulsion from the University. I bear
full responsibility if my work is found to be the result of plagiarism and/or collusion.
In addition, please acknowledge the following:
• I have completed my assignment in accordance to the Ace homework tutors – APA format. Respond Y/N
A penalty of 5 marks deduction will be imposed if this cover page
is incomplete, inaccurate or missing from the final submission of your assignment.
No appeals concerning the Cover Page will be entertained.
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
For lecturers only
Possible Marks Awarded
Q1 30
Q2 30
Q3 30
Referencing 5
English competency 5
Total 100
Overall Feedback
Note to students: I need help writing my essay – research paper make sure you read the feedback given by your lecturers.
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
TMA submission – read these instructions carefully
• Backup your TMA at all times.
• Submit early and check the originality report for possible revision and resubmission.
• Turnitin reports are generated immediately the first time but subsequent reports may
take up to a day to generate.
• Resubmissions (overwriting earlier submissions) are allowed before the deadline, but
NO further resubmissions during the grace period or thereafter.
• Upload TMA in Word document file only (not in PDF), and strictly follow the naming
convention specified for TMA files (Non-compliance to these standards might lead to
an admin fee and/or the TMA not be being marked).
• Upload correct TMA file to the correct folder of the correct course. Admin fee
applies to appeals to transfer files to correct folder.
• 12-hour grace period after the deadline is NOT an extended deadline but solely is for
resolving technical problems encountered with submissions before the deadline.
• In case of problems: Email Canvas Support immediately (with
relevant screenshots and your TMA attached) and follow up with Canvas Support
before the grace period is over.
• If there was no submission before the deadline, one late submission is allowed after the
deadline for up to 1 week, after which no more late submissions will be allowed.
• Automatic marks deduction applies after the 12-hour grace period (refer to the marks
deduction scheme in the Student Handbook). With this automatic deduction, there will
be no need to request for extensions from your tutor because your tutor does not have
the mandate to over-ride the Canvas system settings.
• Retain the Turnitin digital receipt as evidence of a successful submission. Appeals
submitted without the Turnitin digital receipt will not be entertained.
• View your submission immediately to ensure that the entire document has been
uploaded completely and successfully.
TMA Formatting Requirements
Margins: 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right) of the page
Line spacing: Double-space the entire paper
Paragraph alignment: Align the text to the left and leave the right margin uneven
Paragraph indentation: Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inch
Font: Use 12-point Times New Roman
Spelling: English (Singapore)
Word Limit
I need help writing my essay – research paper observe the word limit as writing succinctly is an important skill to acquire in academic
writing. All text (including in-text citations) is included in the word count except the reference
list, tables, figures, and appendices. Note that anything written beyond 10% of the word limit
will not be marked.
English Competency
English competency is an assessable component of all TMAs and 5% of the total marks for
each TMA have been allocated to this component. It is important that you write clearly and
accurately, using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
Follow the Ace homework tutors – APA7 format as described in the “PSY Referencing Guide”. Appropriate in-text
citations and an accurately formatted Reference section are expected. FIVE (5) marks have
been allocated for this component. More information about formatting in Ace homework tutors – APA7 can be found
in the Ace homework tutors – APA website:
Referencing Formatting Requirements (Ace homework tutors – APA7)
• Start the References on a new page (bold and centred).
• Present the reference list in alphabetical order by first author surname.
• Do not number the reference items/entries.
• Each entry should observe hanging indentation (i.e., if the reference goes on to a second
line, the second line onwards must be indented).
• Provide the doi if available.
• Books:
– Title in italics (apply Sentence Case – only the first letter of the first word is
capitalised and the first letter of the first word after a colon is capitalised)
– Publisher name (no need to provide place of publication)
• Journals:
– Article title not in italics (apply Sentence Case)
– Journal name in italics (apply Title Case – the first letter of most words are
– Volume number in italics
– Issue number within brackets not in italics (provide if available)
– Page range not in italics (provide full page range, e.g., 100-123, not 100 or 100-23)
Collins, A. M., & Loftus, E. F. (1975). A spreading-activation theory of semantic
processing. Psychological Review, 82(6), 407–428.
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Basic
Plagiarism and Collusion
The assignment is to be completed on your own. You may discuss the TMA with your coursemates, however, the assignment must be written up independently. Do not share your notes,
draft or final TMA with anyone before the marked TMAs are returned to you.
Avoid plagiarism by giving yourself sufficient time to research and understand the material so
that you can write up your assignment in your own words. Quotations should be used sparingly.
Simply citing the source of ‘copied’ chunks of text does not excuse it from plagiarism. Do
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
ensure that any paraphrasing is done appropriately (even if you use text from your own work
that you have submitted as part of another assignment of the same or another course).
The University takes a very serious view of plagiarism (passing off someone else’s ideas as
your own, or recycling of contents from your own earlier marked TMA from the same course
or another course) and collusion (submitting an assignment which is the same or very similar
to another student’s). Both are very serious academic offences. I need help writing my essay – research paper refer to the Student
Handbook on the penalties of plagiarism or collusion. You are strongly advised to submit your
TMA early, check the plagiarism report yourself, and if needed revise and resubmit your TMA
before the submission deadline.
Marks allocation at a glance
Deduct 5 marks if the new TMA
Cover Page is incomplete, inaccurate
or missing.
Marks Word
Q1 30 500
Q2 30 500
Q3 30 500
Referencing 5
English competency 5
Total 100
Note: All marks will be awarded only with the TMA submission via Turnitin.
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
Report: The Brain in the Coronavirus Pandemic
In this report, you will answer three questions to highlight how biopsychology features in
everyday life. For this presentation, we will focus on the brain in the Coronavirus pandemic.
In each question, you will be asked to explain how biological concepts in psychology can help
improve our understanding on the Coronavirus pandemic. I need help writing my essay – research paper ensure that each point you
raise can be supported with empirical evidence and supplemented with an example that is
related to the topic.
Question 1 (30 marks)
Read: Confusion, seizure, strokes: How COVID-19 may affect the brain
In the article, the researchers presented arguments for why the coronavirus may or may not be
able to pass through the blood-brain barrier.
Examine the role of the blood-brain barrier in the brain. Apply your understanding of the bloodbrain barrier and present your personal viewpoint, supported with empirical evidence, of why
the coronavirus may or may not pass through the blood-brain barrier.
Question 2 (30 marks)
Read: The loneliness of the “social distance” triggers brain cravings akin to hunger.
Evaluate how the substantia nigra may play a role in social isolation and illustrate if the brain
imaging technique used in this study is a good way to understand brain functioning when
experiencing isolation.
Question 3 (30 marks)
Watch: Neuroplasticity
With social isolation and distancing, more people will turn to technology to stay connected and
Online assignment help tutors – Discuss how neuroplasticity may feature when people of three different age groups use more
technology in Singapore due to the pandemic:
1) Primary school children doing home-based learning
2) Working adults working from home
3) The pioneer generation
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
References (5 marks) ˗ Use Ace homework tutors – APA 7 only
The References section lists the full reference of all sources cited or referred to in your
There will be no awarding of 1, 2, or 3 marks.
5 marks: Perfect in-text citations and reference list (minimum of 5 references cited).
4 marks: 1 or 2 minor stylistic or formatting errors (minimum of 5 references cited).
0 marks: Fails to meet the above requirements.
English competency (5 marks)
5 marks: Extremely well-written with no grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
4 marks: Well-written with one or two grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
3 marks: Fairly well-written but with a number of grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
2 marks: Poorly written with grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors which affect coherence.
0-1 mark: Badly written with serious grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
PSY361 Tutor-Marked Assignment 01 July 2020 Semester
Generic Band Descriptors for Students
Excellent answer
• shows a clear and thorough understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant
points accurately and comprehensively in a well-structured, focused and cohesive
• provides excellent illustrations/examples/supporting evidence
• shows very strong evidence of critical thinking/analysis and in-depth understanding
• goes beyond expectation and shows original thinking
Good to Very Good answer
• shows a good to very good understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant
points accurately in a well-structured, focused and cohesive manner
• provides good illustrations/examples/supporting evidence
• shows good evidence of critical thinking/analysis and in-depth understanding
Fair answer
• shows a fair understanding of the topic concerned by covering relevant points
adequately, but may not always be well structured, focused and cohesive
• provides adequate illustrations or examples, however, they may not always be
• shows little evidence of critical thinking/analysis and lacks in-depth understanding
Weak answer
• shows only rudimentary understanding of the topic concerned and only manages to
cover a relevant point or two adequately, but is not well structured, focused and
• attempts to provide illustrations or examples, however, they are generally inappropriate
or irrelevant
• shows no evidence of critical thinking
• may contain inaccuracies and omissions
Poor answer (borderline pass)
• does not show adequate understanding of the topic concerned and may not sufficiently
cover any of the relevant points
• does not provide illustrations or examples
• tends to be descriptive and may be off-point
• contains errors and misconceptions
Fail (less than 40%)
• shows very little understanding of the topic concerned and does not cover any of the
relevant points
• fails to provide illustrations or examples
• attempts to describe but is off-point
• contains serious errors and misconceptions
Bad Fail (less than 15%)
• shows no understanding of the question
• some marks may be awarded if there is evidence that some effort was made to make
sense of the question
— End of TMA —
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