The companies that you need to review for this assignment are:

1) Kellogg
2) General Mills

You can find the 10K reports that you need for your companies in the Modules – 10K Reports folder. The company sites for the proxies and 10Q reports are listed below:
1. Kellogg:
2. General Mills:



Below are the requirements for assignment 1. You need to answer the following

questions for each company separately:

1) What is the third statement? What is its purpose? How many years of data are

presented there? What period does it cover? (3 pts)

2) What is the fourth statement? What is its purpose? How many years of data are

presented there? What period does it cover? (3 pts)

3) What is the fifth statement? What is its purpose? How many years of data are

presented there? What period does it cover? (3 pts)

4) Look at the Notes to the financial statements; what is your company’s fiscal year end?

In what segments does the company operate? (3 pts)

5) Review the Notes to the financial statements; how do your companies

recognize revenue? (5 pts)

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