Two-Sample T Tests for size by location   location    N       Mean         SD          SE 1     25    1205.9     405.45      81.090 2     25    1842.0     641.79      128.36 Difference        -636.12     536.79      151.83   T-Tests for Mean Difference   Null Hypothesis: difference = 0   Alternative Hyp: difference ≠ 0                                        Lower       Upper Method      Variances     DF      T      P      95% C.I.    95% C.I. Pooled      Equal   48  -4.19 0.0001      -941.39    -330.85 Satterthwaite     Unequal     40.5  -4.19 0.0001      -942.85    -329.39   Homogeneity of Variances         DF    F       P Folded F Test     24,24 2.51  0.0143   Cases Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include d 50    Missing Cases 0    
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