Go online and find at least two sites with definitions of fast tracking and crashing a project schedule.

Prepare proper reference citations for the sites you located, using Ace homework tutors – APA style.
In your own words, write definitions for project fast tracking and project crashing.
Consider the plan you prepared for the software system testing project in question 1 above. If you were informed by management that you must reduce the planned duration of the project by five days, describe how you, as a project manager, could crash or fast track this project. Be specific in identifying exactly what could be changed in the project plan for each option.
(continuation of question 2.3) If the request to speed up the project occurs after day 25 of the original schedule, what is the only option available?
2. A project to put on a major international sporting competition has the following major deliverables: Sports Venues, Athlete Accommodation, Volunteer Organization, Security, Events, and Publicity (which has already been broken down into pre-event publicity and post-event publicity.) Prepare a WBS for any single major deliverable on the list. Remember the 100 percent rule, and number your objectives.


Title: Project Management


Authors: Adrienne Watt

Publisher: BCcampus Open Education

Publication Date: 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers

Edition: 2nd Editio

Problem: Find at least two websites that define fast tracking and crashing a project schedule.

Prepare Ace homework tutors – APA-style reference citations for the sites you discovered.
Define project fast tracking and project crashing in your own words.
Take a look at the strategy you created for the software system testing project in question 1 above. If you were told by management that you needed to cut the project’s scheduled duration by five days, outline how you, as a project manager, could crash or fast pace this project. In the project plan, be precise about what could be modified for each alternative.
(Continuation of Question 2.3) If the request to expedite the project happens after the 25th day of the project,

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