1. India-Emerging as major Cyber Crime Centre
2. Medical tourism in India
3. Educated Indians lack Patriotism
4. Has the parliamentary form of democracy failed in India?
5. Education- Is it solely government responsibility?
6. Examinations- has it killed education?
7. Invasion by MNC’s is a drain on the resources of India
8. Privatization will lead to less corruption
9. The government should enhance and ensure the quality of primary education
10. Politics and sports must stay apart
11. Bifurcation of states- will it lead to disintegration of India?
12. Nuclear Terrorism: A real threat
13. The influence of Affluence on today’s youth
14. Has India become a global success story?
15. Need for uniform system of education in India
16. Indian Hockey- can it rise like a phoenix from the ashes?
17. Crimes- a fall out of faulty education, unemployment or values?
18. Role of values in a globalized world
19. Power to the people is not a reality in our democracy
20. Biological warfare
21. Can strong values and ethics create a successful society?
22. Criminal justice system- A fact or farce in India?
23. Crime and punishment –Is there any correlation?
24. Success or failure-impact on young minds
25. NGOs-voices for the public good
26. What ails our Nation-terrorism or poverty?
27. Social networking sites-boon or bane?
28. Genetic modification –Is it ethical and safe?
29. Wikileaks
30. Organic food and India
31. China and its workforce
32. India at the cross-roads 64yrs after Independence
33. Role of media in shaping the destiny of India
34. Nature –our best teacher
35. Disaster planning and management
36. Nuclear power reactors and their safety
37. Changing gender Roles
38. Failed Dope tests-Failed sportsmanship
39. Scams have become the real shame of India
40. Godmen or conmen?
41. Lokpal bill Fiasco
42. AGRINDIA-A harbinger of resurrection / revitalization
43. Unitary education system versus infrastructure of government schools?
44. Can the erection of green buildings be realistic in developing countries?
45. Corruption free India- Can only be a dream!!!
46. Internet-the death of newspaper
47. The impact of climate change on Biodiversity
48. Migration-A burden on the economy
49. Music therapy
50. Black hole theory
51. Old drugs in new bottles-Realities, Reasons and Remedies
52. E-waste management
53. Indians abroad-victims of racism
54. Freebie culture – a blot on BPL psyche
55. Benefits of Reading
56. Social Issues in today’s society.
57. Negative Impacts of sciences.
58. Cloning.
59. Animal Rights.
60. Humanity is dying among people of the 21st century
61. God-Particle -A historic milestone in science
62. Is nuclear power worth the risk?
63. Justice has become injustice in people with money and power.
64. Inciting communal Passions-a threat to National internal security
65. God: Myth or reality
66. Emotional Quotient
67. Couch potato generation-who is responsible?
68. China: a Success story in Olympics
69. Series of Terror Attacks on India:Reasons
70. Save Tigers. Save Earth
71. Darwinism.
72. Role of Cinema in Social Awareness.
73. Aliens and UFO’s
74. Recycling.
75. Robotics:General Applications.
76. Environmental Pollution.