Prepare quantitative research article
Use research databases to identify your article (USF library, Shimberg Library, or Google Scholar are appropriate)
Part 1: Background (2 points)
1. What is the purpose of this study?
Part 2: Methods [If you cannot find the answer, be sure to indicate this in your answer. Do not just skip a question] (2 points per question; 12 total points)
1. What is the setting and population?
2. What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participation in the study? Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include all mentioned.
3. How many participants participated in this study?
4. What are the recruitment strategies?
5. What research methods (i.e., survey or interviews) were used?
6. What are some sample questions in these methods (qualitative research) OR what are the surveys used (quantitative research)?
Part 3: Critical Analysis [It is helpful to review the limitations section in the discussion or conclusion section of the article to help with answering these questions] (2 points per question; 4 total points)
1. Describe 2 methodological strengths of this study.
2. Describe 2 methodological weaknesses of this study.