For SLP 2, you will analyze how the following stakeholders are involved in the Manage Your Cloud (MYC) integration project. This exercise was extracted from Schwalbe (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) textbook, but it was copied below for convenience. There is no need to look for the textbook as the assignment and questions are given here.

Don Stevenson, the project manager
Mike Cunningham, the project sponsor
Chuck Wilkinson, data center manager
Herber Wout, IT department manager
Debbie Ross, Marketing and Sales manager
Stew Wilson and Bonnie Brae, programmer/analysts in the IT department
Linda Man, Testing manager
Patrick Lorimer, a network specialist in IT
Nancy Rae, a business analyst in IT
Virginia Gonzalez, the sponsor and VP of human resources
Bea Sullivan, a human resources specialist
Cassandra Rodney, a finance specialist
Vicky Benson-Bay, technical writer
Supplier A, who was hired to handle training on the new system and manage an
incentives program
20,000 full-time employees and 5,000 part-time employees, all of whom are potential
users of the new system

Prepare a Stakeholder Classification and Impact Matrix and the Stakeholder Engagement Matrix using the preceding information. The matrices are both included in the Stakeholder Classification Matrix form. Make up other information as needed to complete the matrices.
Create a Stakeholder Register and Stakeholder Management Strategy for the project, focusing on members who are not on the project team, such as Debbie, Cassandra, and the lead person from Supplier A, and a vocal member of a user group testing the new system reporting to Linda. Be creative in developing potential management strategies.
Prepare an Issue Log for the project. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include issues such as Virginia and Vicky leaving the company, and difficult and vocal members of the user group who makes waves leading to unproductive meetings. Chuck seems busy working on data center satellite facility. Make up three additional potential issues.

The Stakeholder Classification Matrix, Stakeholder Register and Stakeholder Management Strategy, and Issue Log forms all included in one Word document as attached above. The Stakeholder Classification and Stakeholder Engagement matrices are Excel files.

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