Post Concussive Syndrome and Traumatic Brain Injury
Setting: A free medical clinic that provides health care for the under-insured.
Your next patient, Michelle G., age 40, is a regular of the clinic and the last patient of the day. The chart states she is here for recent episodes of shortness of breath.
You enter the room and Michelle G is dressed in work clothes, standing up looking at a health poster on the wall. You introduce yourself and ask her what brings her to the clinic today. “I think I may have a cold. I’ve been having a hard time breathing on and off lately.”
HPI: “I notice I’m short of breath mostly at work but by the time I get home feel fine. No episodes of shortness of breath on the weekends that I can recall. But a few hours back at work and I start to feel like I cannot catch my breath again. A few months ago this happened and it was so bad I left work and went to urgent care where they gave me a breathing treatment of some kind and sent me home on an antibiotic. I would like you to give me another antibiotic. She denies sputum. No new allergy triggers noted. She denies heartburn.
PMHx: Michelle G. reports her overall health as good.
Childhood/previous illnesses: eczema as a child
Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Concussive Syndrome
Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Concussive Syndrome
Setting: A free medical clinic that offers health care to the uninsured.
Michelle G., age 40, is a regular at the clinic and the last patient of the day. According to the chart, she is here for recent instances of shortness of breath.
When you walk into the room, Michelle G is dressed professionally and standing up, staring at a health poster on the wall. You introduce yourself and ask her what brings her to the clinic today. “I think I may have a cold. I’ve been having a hard time breathing on and off lately.”
HPI: “I notice I’m short of breath mostly at work but by the