Assay # 1
You are the registered nurse performing a health assessment on a newborn infant. From the functional health pattern portion of the assessment, you learn the mother is reluctant to breastfeed her baby. How do you respond? Explain the approach you will take to ensure adequate nutrition for the newborn, with or without breastfeeding. Provide rationale for your answer.
Assay # 2- I need help writing my essay – research paper write about 130 words.
Class as nurses we understand the benefits of breast feeding and it is our duty to educate new parents on those benefits. At what point does our education become paternalism or bullying? We are taught to set aside our personal feelings and respect patients wishes that being said, What can we do to support the Mom who chooses bottle feeding? I need help writing my essay – research paper review this article Are “baby-friendly” hospitals unfriendly to new mothers? and share your thoughts. Doing so will net you one substantial reply for the week. 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay/10/baby_friendly_hospitals_promoting_breast_feeding_at_the_expense_of_the_new.html