I. Assessment
A. Specify the aggregate level for study (e.g., group, population group, or organization). Identify and provide a general orientation to the aggregate (e.g., characteristics of the aggregate system, supra system, and subsystems). Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the reasons for selecting this aggregate
B. Describe specific characteristics of the aggregate.
1. Sociodemographic characteristics: Including age, sex, race or ethnic group, religion, educational background and level, occupation, income, and marital status.
2. Health status: Work or school attendance, disease categories, mortality, health care use, and population growth and population pressure measurements (e.g., rates of birth and death, divorce, unemployment, and drug and alcohol abuse). Select indicators appropriate for the chosen aggregate.
C. Provide relevant information from the literature review, especially in terms of the characteristics, problems, or needs within this type of aggregate. Compare the health status of the aggregate with similar aggregates, the community, the state, and the nation.
D. Identify the specific aggregate’s health problems and needs based on comparative data collection analysis and interpretation and literature review. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include input from clients regarding their need perceptions. Give priorities to health problems and needs, and indicate how to determine these priorities.
II. Planning
A. Select one health problem or need, and identify the ultimate goal of intervention. Identify specific, measurable objectives as mutually agreed upon by the student and aggregate.
B. Describe the alternative interventions that are necessary to accomplish the objectives.
C, Use preventive approach if applicable ( primary, secondary and tertiary)
III. Intervention
A. Implement at least one level of planned intervention when possible.
B. If intervention was not implemented, provide reasons.
C. Levels of prevention if its applicable
IV. Evaluation
A. Evaluate the plan, objectives, and outcomes of the intervention(s). Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the aggregate’s evaluation of the project. Evaluation should consider the process, product, appropriateness, and effectiveness.
B. Make recommendations for further action based on the evaluation, and communicate these to the appropriate individuals or system levels. Online assignment help tutors – Discuss implications for community health nursing.