Once you begin to write your pages in HTML, please add the following to a comment in the <head> of your work:
Name, date, week #, class with section, and campus # (i.e. CIS273001VA016)

Always zip your work into a single folder for uploading to Blackboard. You’ll want to keep each week separately so that you can review earlier iterations of your site in case you want to revert something back based on feedback from your professor.

Due Dates and Grading: This project is designed to give you a realistic experience in design; as such, you will be expected to participate in making tweaks and iterating your product and design as necessary. Assignments are due within the week they are assigned; however, you may have up to two weeks to work with your professor to make suggested/required adjustments—this is up to your professors’ discretion and is not guaranteed. Be aware: Not completing a portion of the assignment means that you will not be able to receive feedback and therefore cannot tweak things, and that portion of your grade will remain graded as “unacceptable.” 

Due in Week 2 and worth 50 points

You have been hired to create a Website. In this assignment, you will begin to gather the necessary information to complete the work and present your ideas to your client.

You will need to answer the following questions:

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Ace Tutors
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