You are required to write a book review for this class based on one or
two substantial outside readings.The paper should
address an historical topic covered bythe course.The reading can
bewhat historians call a primary source, thatis, something written
during period under study, or a secondarysource, thatis, something written
by a present-day historian aboutthepast. For example,
St. Augustine’s Confessions or Julius
Caesar’s Commentary onthe Conquestof Gaul are primarysources. A play by
Shakespeareis a primarysource. Peter
Brown’s Augustineof Hippois a biographyof St.
Augustine, therefore a secondarysource.
You should proceed by identifying a
historical topic or question that interests you. Then find a book you would
like to read on that topic. If a secondarysource,the book should
have been written withinthe last forty
years, but exceptions are possible for classic works. In many casesthe instructor
can help steer you to goodsources. Choose a
substantial book, thatis, one that addresses a serious
historical issue in a scholarly way. You may not write on an encyclopedia
entry. (However, you may consult an encyclopedia for background information.)The specific book
or books must be approved bythe instructor. A
suggestion: You can email your instructor, telling themwhat book you have
General form:The paper should
have a thesis statement giving your controlling idea, your own idea
interpretingthe material you have read. Then summarizethe material, intheprocess answeringthe following
If a primarysource:
What historical issue does this/thesesource/sources help
What do you learn about that historical issue by
reading this work?
Is this work a reliablesource for facts?
Oris it a biasedsource? If so, inwhat way?
Whatisthesource good for?
Even a biased book thatis a badsource for factual
information might be useful for understanding someone’s wayof thinking. For
example,the Iliad (the epic poem
aboutthe Trojan War) would be a poorsourceof factual
information aboutthe war (which may or may not even have
occurred), butis a goodsource on ancient
Greek culture.
If a secondarysource:
What question doesthe author pose?
How doesthe book answer that question? (Thatis,whatisthe author’s
“thesis statement?”)
How doesthe author support his or her conclusion?
Summarizethe book, briefly.
What kindof evidence doesthe author use:
statistical, legal records, autobiography, and literature?
How might this evidence skewthe results?
Howisthe author’s
thesis developed: through narrative, analysis or both?
Do you agree withthe author?
Doesthe evidence supportthe conclusion?
Are there other possible interpretations that would explainthe same
Would othersourcesof evidence have
yielded a different conclusion?
Whether you choose a secondarysource or primarysource, you will need to
do additional research to truly do justice to this paper.
Paper Configuration
All papers are to be between 5 and 8
pages in length. They must be double-spaced and you must use a 12pt font, with
1-inch margins. You must have your name on your paper. Cover sheets and
bibliographies do not count as part paper page count. Your grade will be a
reflectionof your effort. If you only give minimal effort,
you will only get a minimal grade.Theinstructor will
take off heavily for grammar, citation format, and spelling errors.

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Ace Tutors
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