The written assignments (Modules 4 and 8) will give you an opportunity to apply many of the concepts we explore in the course. Prepare a 4-5 page paper (double-spaced, excluding cover page and reference page) which addresses the following:


Pick a topic from the below list which we explored in the first half of the course:

· Money Markets

· Bond Markets

· Mortgage Markets

· Commercial Banks

For your chosen topic, respond to the following:

· Explain what it is and how it fits within the financial system

· Who are the main participants?

· How large is the market or sector that you chose? How has it changed over the last couple of decades?

· Research four articles that you think provide some important insights into your chosen topic and analyze the articles. What do the articles have to say about your market and sector?

· What do you feel are the big risks and why?

Structure and Mechanics

Paper length should be 4-5 pages. Note, the paper should be a mixture of data and analysis / explanation.

I need help writing my essay – research paper organize your paper into relevant sections and include section titles to help make the paper organized and easy to follow.

Your paper should include a brief and relevant introduction and conclusion.

Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a cover page, citations in the body of your paper, where relevant and references at the end of your paper.  The paper should in Ace homework tutors – APA format.

The paper should be written in Microsoft Word and submitted as an attachment in the assignment drop-box. The assignment is due at the end of Module 4.

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Ace Tutors
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