PHIL 1301: Introduction to Philosophy
Prof. Norwood
Midterm Paper Prompt
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Students are required to submit a 750-word (minimum) midterm paper, which will count for 25% of their final
course grade. The student will present a situation requiring an ethical choice made by an individual drawn from
the real world (i.e. a news story), consider the possible choices available and their consequences, take a position
on the situation, and justify that choice. The student must incorporate significant references to at least two
thinkers discussed in the course so far as part of their evaluation of the situation requiring an ethical choice. The
paper will be graded according to the attached rubric. The paper must include the following:
Heading or Cover Page: This must include the student’s name, course section, and a link to the news
article on which the essay is based.
Summary of Situation Requiring a Choice: The student must summarize the situation which calls for
an ethical choice, including all relevant details. This includes identifying the individual person
responsible for making the choice (even if that person isn’t named in the article).
Presentation of Available Choices: The student must present the possible choices available and the
consequences of those choices.
Decision and Justification: The student must make a choice in the situation and justify that choice with
well-reasoned arguments. In other words, put yourself in the place of the individual faced with the
choice. What would you do, and why?
Philosophical Engagement: The student must make substantial references to at least two thinkers we
have discussed in the course so far. These references can be used in any part of the paper and should
demonstrate thoughtful engagement with the philosophers and ideas encountered in this course.
Papers must be submitted through eCampus. Any student who turns in plagiarized work for the midterm
paper will receive a failing grade for the course.
Students will receive 3 points of extra credit if they have the writing lab look over their paper prior to the
due date and provide Prof. Norwood with proof of that meeting.
Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Unacceptable
Points 5 4 2 1 0
and Evaluating
Student thoroughly discusses at
least two sides of an ethical
choice to be made.
Student thoroughly discusses one
side and partially describes
another side of an ethical choice
to be made.
Student partially explains two
sides of an ethical choice to be
Student attempts to explain only
one side of an ethical choice to be
Student is unable to articulate
an ethical choice to be made.
Making and
Student states a position on the
issue with more detailed
explanation and/or resons for the
position and addresses objections
to their position.
Student states a poition on the
issue with more detailed
explanation and/or resons for the
Student states a position on the
issue, but only provides limited
explanation and/or reasons for the
Student states a position on the
isse without providing any
reasons for the position.
Student does not take a clear
ethical position on the issue.
Consequences Student identifies consequences
and demonstrates a sophisticated
understanding of the scope,
complexity, and/or magnitude of
the consequences.
Student identifies consequences
and demonstrates a moderate
understanding of the scope,
complexity, and/or magnitude of
the consequences.
Student identifies consequences
of the choices, but demonstrates a
limited understanding of the
scope, complexity, and/or
magnitude of the consequences.
Student identifies the obvious
consequences of each choice.
Student does not identify any
consequences of the choices
The student makes significant
reference to at least two thinkers
disucessed in the course so far in
their paper.
The student makes significant
reference to at least one thinker
and limited reference to another
thinker discussed in the course so
The student makes limited
reference to two thinkers
discussed in the course so far or
significant reference to a single
The student makes limited
reference to one thinker discussed
in the course.
The student makes no reference
to any thinkers discussed in the
course so far.
Structure and
The paper is clearly structured,
with an introduction, several body
paragraphs, and a clear
conclusion. Paragraph breaks
make sense and use transitions.
All sentences are complete and
grammatical. All words are used
correctly. Paper has been spellchecked
and proofread, and has
no errors.
The paper is clearly structured,
with an introduction, several body
paragraphs, and a clear
conclusion. Paragraph breaks
make sense and use transitions.
All sentences are complete and
grammatical. All words are used
correctly. Paper has been spellchecked
and proofread, and has
no errors.
There is a clear introduction and
conclusion, but few paragraph
breaks in the body and little use
of transitions. Sentences are
mostly complete and
grammatical. Most words are
used correctly. Paper has been
spell-checked and proofread, and
has very few minor errors.
The paper lacks either an
introduction or a conclusion, or
the body is a single paragraph.
Several sentences are incomplete
and/or ungrammatical. Many
words are used incorrectly. Paper
has several spelling errors.
There is no structure. The
paper is a single paragraph.
Many sentences are incomplete
and/or ungrammatical. Paper
has many spelling errors. Many
words are used incorrectly.
Reading is difficult due to lack
of proper grammar and syntax.
Prof. Norwood’s Midterm Paper Rubric
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