Ashford 2: – Week 1 – Assignment


Thesis Construction

I need help writing my essay – research paper read these assignment instructions before writing your paper, and re-read them often during and after the writing process to make sure that you are fulfilling all of the instructions.

The following assignment is an exercise designed to help you write your Final Paper. In this exercise, you will do the following:

  • Identify a topic of interest      from the list,      and narrow it down to a particular, concrete ethical problem or question.
  • Provide an introduction in      which you briefly explain the topic and the particular question on which      you will focus your paper.
  • Explain three ethically      significant issues pertaining to this question that would need to be      considered when addressing it.
  • Use the Thesis Generator in the Ashford Writing Center to construct a thesis      statement that articulates your position on the topic as you have defined      it. (

The exercise must be at least 400 words in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to Ace homework tutors – APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Be sure to including a title page and reference page as necessary. Your exercise must be organized to address each of the five parts below. Number each part accordingly.

  1. Part      One: Thesis Statement
         Use the Thesis Generator in the Ashford Writing Center to construct a thesis      statement that articulates your position on the question as you have      defined it. This will likely be the last thing you do in this exercise,      but your thesis should be placed at the top of the first page after the      title page.

         Your thesis should clearly state your position and provide a concise statement      of the primary reason(s) drawn from the three issues you raise in Part      Two. For example, having identified three important issues that need to be      considered, you may find that two of them support your view, and while one      may present a challenge to it, that challenge can be overcome.

  2. Part      Two: Provide a Brief Introduction to the Topic
         Your introduction must make clear to the reader exactly what ethical issue      or question you are addressing within this topic, and what you consider to      be the boundaries of the question.

         For example, a paper on criminal punishment might consider whether capital      punishment should be used as punishment for certain types of crime, or it      might consider the broader question of whether the criminal justice system      should favor retribution over rehabilitation. If you were writing on this      topic, you would need to specify which of these (or some other) specific      question you intend to discuss. (Note: You may not write on criminal      punishment, this is just an example.) You should aim to focus your      question as narrowly as possible.

         The final sentence of this paragraph should provide a brief summary of the      three ethically significant issues pertaining to this question that you      intend to address.

  3. Parts      Three, Four, and Five: Explain Three Ethically Significant Issues      Pertaining to This Question
         An “ethically significant issue” is a feature of the topic and      circumstances that must be taken into account when reasoning about the      question. For example, if you were writing on criminal punishment and      focusing on the question of whether drug users should be imprisoned,      ethically significant issues might include the monetary costs, the social      costs, the impact on the person, the effect on the drug trade, and so on.      And each of these, in turn, would have sub-issues, negative and positive      sides, etc. Your task is to be as specific as you can in explaining the      ethically significant issue.

         The first sentence of each paragraph must be a topic sentence that clearly      states what issue you will be considering. The remainder of the paragraph      should address the relevance and import of the ethically significant      feature of the situation. Each paragraph should be focused on a distinct      issue.

 The Ashford Writing Center (AWC)  has two kinds of tutoring available to you.

  • Live      Chat – If you have writing-related      questions about a topic before you draft a discussion post or submit a      written assignment, you will now be able to chat live with a tutor for a      short (up to 20 minute) conversation. Live Chat will be available Monday      through Friday from 10:00-11:00 am and 4:00-5:00 pm (PST). AWC Live Chat 
  • Email      Paper Review      – If you have a draft, partial draft, or even if you’re having trouble      getting started, you can complete a submission form and email your paper      to the AWC for review. 
    • Writing Tutors will do their       best to return your paper with their comments within 48 hours, not       including Saturdays and Sundays. I need help writing my essay – research paper plan accordingly if you would       like to receive feedback before an assignment due date. AWC Email Paper Review

 Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Late Policy: Written assignments (essays, journals, presentations) are due on the specified days in the course. Written assignments will be subject to a late penalty of up to 10% per day up to three days late. If written assignments are submitted after 72 hours past the due date, instructors can give a penalty up to and including a grade of 0 for the assignment.

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