Initial Assessment

Name: ____________________________ Semester/Year: ___________

Instructor: Date: ___________ Section # ________

· I need help writing my essay – research paper review the video link “Fitness Assessment” on e-Campus (Blackboard) before you start the assessment.

· The web page and the listed assessment hot links are excellent sources for this assessment.

Note: Fitness category norms (poor, average, good etc.) are found in Chapter 4 or any of the hot links listed

Body Composition: (See Chapter 4 or or NIH BMI calculator for more information)

Height: _____________ Weight: ____________ Age: __________Resting heart rate: ___________________

Body mass index (BMI) = 704 x weight ÷ height in inches ÷ height in inches

Note: be aware that BMI is only a general observation on health and not a 100% accurate assessment. Research shows that many overweight people are actually healthy. (see Chapter 4 for more information.)

BMI = _________ BMI health risk classification: ________________________

% Body Fat (optional) _______ % Body Fat classification (optional): _____________________

Cardio Respiratory Endurance: (Chapter 4 or fitness assessment video)

Perform one of the following three assessments:

1 mile walk time: (for beginners) ____________________ fitness category: ______________________

1 mile run time: (more challenging) __________________ fitness category: _______________________

1.5 mile run time: (most challenging) _________________ fitness category: _______________________

Flexibility: Trunk Extension: (Chapter 4, Fitness Assessment video or Sit and Reach Flexibility Test)

Sit and reach score: _____________________ Flexibility category: ___________________

Muscular Endurance: (Chapter 4 & fit assessment video or for demonstrations)

Perform one of the following four assessments:

1 minute sit up test: ____________________ Fitness Category: _____________________________

(If you have low back pain or experience any low back discomfort while doing sit ups, do the curl up test)

1-minute modified curl up test: ____________ Fitness category: _____________________________

1-minute push up test: (Males) ____________ Fitness category: _____________________________

1-minute modified push up test: (Females) _______ Fitness category: _____________________________

Muscular Strength: (Chapter 4 & videos 2&3 or for demonstrations)

Perform one of the following two assessments:

Chest press: weight: ______ Reps (1-10): ______ *predicted max: _____fitness category: __________

Leg Press: weight: ________Reps (1-10): ______*predicted max: _____ fitness category: __________

Note: Predicted max is found in chapter 4 or use this squat test if weights are not available Home Squat tests by Topend Sports Network.\

Initial Evaluation

Date: Section # Instructor:

Before beginning the assessment, please review the video link “Fitness Assessment” on e-Campus (Blackboard).

The website and the assessment hot links provided below are helpful resources for this examination.

Note: Fitness category norms (poor, average, good, and so on) can be discovered in Chapter 4 or by clicking on any of the hot links given.

Body Structure: (See Chapter 4 or or NIH BMI calculator for more information)

Height: _____________ poundage Age: __________ Resting heart rate: ___________________

Body mass index (BMI) = 704 x weight ÷ height in inches ÷ height in inches

Note: be aware that BMI is only a general observation on health and not a 100% accurate assessment. Research shows that many overweight people are actually healthy

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Research Helper
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