Person-centered care and work environment
Person-centered care and work environment

The purpose of this assignment is to explore the culture and climate of the healthcare organization and its impact on providing a healthy, safe, and person-centered care and work environment. (CO 1,3,6)

III. Requirements
Description of the Assignment

This assignment provides an opportunity for the student to

Assess organizational culture and climate within a healthcare organization known to the student
Analyze the organizational culture and climate for its strengths and opportunities for improvement
Determine the organization’s capacity to provide a healthy, safe, person-centered environment for staff and patients based on it culture and climate
Reflect on the “fit” of personal leadership profile with the organization’s culture and climate
IV. Preparing the Assignment

Address all components of the Organizational Culture and Climate Assessment and Analysis Paper as outlined under “Assignment Directions and Criteria”.
The paper is graded on quality and completeness of information, depth of thought, organization following outline provided, substantive narrative, use of citations, use of standard English, and writing conventions.


Person-centered care and a positive work environment
Person-centered care and a positive work environment

The goal of this assignment is to investigate the healthcare organization’s culture and climate and their impact on providing healthy, safe, and person-centered care and work environment. (1,3,6) CO

III. Prerequisites

Assignment Detailed Description

This project gives the student the option to

Assess organizational culture and climate within a healthcare organization known to the student

Analyze the organizational culture and climate for its strengths and opportunities for improvement

Determine the organization’s capacity to provide a healthy, safe, person-centered environment for staff and patients based on it culture and climate

Reflect on the “fit” of personal leadership profile with the organization’s culture and climate

IV. Preparing the Assignment


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Research Helper
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