Essay Service & Study Help Writing Services – Term Paper Examples, Research Papers, Thesis & Dissertation Topics Ideas Samples: – 250292RR    Expanding Global Trade and Conflicting Worldviews
1.   Historians agree that the most advanced economy up until the eighteenth century was that of
 A. Japan.
 B. مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arabia.
C. 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China.
 D. India.
2.   Who were the ulama?
 A. Shi’a bureaucrats
B. Shi’a slaves
C. Sunni religious scholars
D. Sunni mercenaries
3.   _______ became the most important industry in the Spanish colonies.
  A. Agriculture
  B. Cattle ranching
C. Mining
  D. Fishing
4.   Michel de Montaigne introduced the literary genre called the
  A. tract.
  B. novel.
C. essay.
  D. biography.
5.   If you were a European mariner sailing the Indian Ocean during the sixteenth century, chances are you were
  A. Italian.
  B. Venetian.
  C. Spanish.
D. Portuguese.
.   What was the main consequence of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Lepanto of 1571?
  A. The Ottomans increased their efforts to expand their European territories.
  B. The Ottoman Empire formed an alliance with Spain.
  C. The Ottoman Empire lost control of Mediterranean trade.
D. The Ottomans intensified efforts to modernize their navy.
7.   During the fifteenth century, the status of women was highest in
  A. 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China.
  B. India.
C. Europe.
  D. Southeast Asia.
8.   Under the system called the devshirme,
  A. sultans produced potential heirs by way of slave-concubines.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
B. youths were recruited from Christian families to become slaves.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  C. slaves could serve as advisors called viziers.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  D. all property belonged to the Sultan.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
   In Africa, the greatest obstacle to population growth was
  A. crop failure.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  B. slavery.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
C. disease.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  D. warfare.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
10.   Which statement regarding the Qizilbash is false?
A. They were granted large tracts of grazing land.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  B. They provided troops to the Safavid Empire.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  C. They provided the Safavid Empire with skilled bureaucrats.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  D. They were Turkish Sufis.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
11.   After Charles I was executed, Thomas Hobbes wrote Leviathan, wherein he defended a thesis. Which of these statements bestsummarizes that thesis?
  A. Monarchies must be overthrown.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  B. Individuals, on their own, must embrace liberal ideals.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
C. Social order requires a social contract.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  D. People are mainly good at heart.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
12.   In Russia, boyars were
  A. Muscovite Cossacks.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   B. Russians of Mongol descent.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
 C. high-ranking nobles.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-

  D. officers of the Mongol Khan.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
13.   Prior to the scientific revolution, who reconciled Aristotle’s philosophy with Christian doctrine?
  A. PtolemyNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  B. The natural philosophersNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  C. The popeNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
D. Thomas AquinasNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
14.   Under the reign of Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu sought to suppress Protestantism
  A. throughout Europe.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
B. to increase royal authority.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  C. in the context of seeking support from the Vatican.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   D. to gain the support of England.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
15.   Montesquieu was to the idea of the division of power as Denis Diderot was to the
A. concept of Deism.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   B. Encyclopedia: The Rational Dictionary of the Sciences, the Arts, and the Crafts.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  C. idea of tabula rasa.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  D. Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
16.   Under Louis XIV, _______ in Versailles.
  A. rules of etiquette were ignoredNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  B. nobles were seldom required to attend the courtNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
C. women recommended individuals for honors and patronageNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   D. Protestants were held in high regardNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
17.   According to the work of Johannes Kepler, which statement is false?
  A. Planetary orbits are elliptical.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   B. Planetary orbital motion is uniform.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   C. The order of the universe is based on mathematical relationships.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
D. The time required for a planet to orbit the sun specifies its distance from the sun.
   Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
18.   With the exception of _______, most societies have engaged in the slave trade.
 A. the Australian AboriginesNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-

  B. the Ottoman EmpireNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  C. VeniceNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
  D. IndonesiaNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
19.   During the fifteenth century, مساعدة التعيين – خدمة كتابة المقالات من قبل كبار الكتاب العرب, Arab and African merchants transported slaves to the Mediterranean where they were sold to all of the following countries except
  A. the Middle East.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-  B. Europe.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   C. Egypt.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-

  D. 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-

20.   Which of the following were used as a medium of exchange in West Africa?
  A. Kola nutsNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.- B. Cowrie shells
  C. SaltsNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-   D. GrainsNeed Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-  Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-  Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-
 Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-  Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-  Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.-  Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service. – Get top-rated homework assistance online by professional writers. Free of AI and Plagiarism.

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