Child and Family Services

Ellis, R. (2011). Achieving successful adoptions: Voices of prospective and current adoptive parents from the Wendy’s Wonderful Kids evaluation. Child Trends: Washington, D.C. Retrieved from 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap/10/Parent_Brief.pdf.

Ellis, R. (2011). What helps and hinders me from being adopted: Voices of youth in foster care from the Wendy’s Wonderful Kids evaluation. Child Trends: Washington, D.C. Retrieved from 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap/10/Youth_Brief.pdf.

*Hardesty, M. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). “It’s not a job!” Foster care board payments and the logic of the
profiteering parent. Social Service Review, 92(1), 93–133.

Community Organizing and Advocacy/Missionary Social Work

Perdue, T. Prior, M. Williamson, C., & Sherman, S. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Social justice and spiritual healing: Using micro and macro social work practice to reduce domestic minor sex trafficking. Social Work & Christianity, 39(4), 449–465.

*Van Katwyk, T., & Ashcroft, R., (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online) Using participatory action research to access social
work voices: Acknowledging the fit. Journal of Progressive Human Services. 27(3)

Criminal Justice, Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Immigration and refugees and Social Work

*Burt, I. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers) Modern-Day Slavery in the U.S.: Human Trafficking and Counselor
Awareness. International Journal of Advance Counselling 41, 187–200 (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers).

*Horwitz, S., Mitchell, D., LaRussa-Trott, M., Santiago, L., Pearson, J., Skiff, D., & Cerulli. C.
(2011) An inside view of police officers’ experience with domestic violence. Journal of
Family Violence. 26, 617- 625

*Saunders, N. R., Macpherson, A., Guan, J., & Guttmann, A. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Unintentional injuries
among refugee and immigrant children and youth in ontario, canada: A population-based
cross-sectional study. Injury Prevention, 24(5), 337.
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*Skiff, D., Horwitz, S., Larussa-Trott, M., Pearson, J., 7 Santiago, L. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers) Engaging the clergy
in addressing partner violence in their faith communities. Journal of Spirituality and
Mental Health 10(2) 101-117.


Cook-Craig, P., & Koehly, L. (2011). Stability in the social support networks of homeless families in shelter: Findings from a study of families in a faith-based shelter program. Journal of Family Social Work, 14(3), 191–207.

*Dutta, N. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). STREET CHILDREN IN INDIA: A STUDY ON THEIR ACCESS TO HEALTH AND EDUCATION. International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies, 9(1), 69-82. doi: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online18120

Sun, A. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Helping homeless individuals with co-occurring disorders: The four components. Social Work, 57(1), 23–37.

Hospital/Hospice/Nursing Home Services

*Boyd, P. A., Wilks, S. E., & Geiger, J. R. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Activities of daily living assessment among
nursing home residents with advanced dementia: Psychometric reevaluation of the Bristol
Activities of Daily Living Scale. Health & Social Work, 43(2), 101–108.

*Manning, S., Skiff, D., Santiago, L., & Irish A. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online) Nursing and Social Work Emergency
Department Simulation: Exploring Inter-professional Education Clinical Simulation in
Nursing 12, 555-564

Sanders, S., & Swails, P. (2011). A quest for meaning: Hospice social workers and patients with end-stage dementia. Social Work, 56(2), 129–40.

Populations with Intellectual/Physical/Mental Health Challenges

*Dodds RL, Yarbrough DV, Quick N. Lessons learned: Providing peer support to culturally diverse families of children with disabilities or special health care needs. Social Work. 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online;63(3):261-264. Accessed March 25, 2020.

Harr, C. R., Horn-Johnson, T., Williams, N. J., Jones, M., & Riley, K. (2013). Personal trauma and risk behaviors among youth entering residential treatment. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 30(5), 383–398.

Kahl, Y., & Jungbauer, J. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Challenges and coping strategies of children with parents affected by schizophrenia: Results from an in-depth interview study. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 31(2), 181–196.

School Social Work

*Blackmon, B. J., & Cain, D. S. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Case manager perspectives on the effectiveness of an elementary school truancy intervention. School Social Work Journal, 40(1), 1–22.

Canfield, J. P. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Examining perceived barriers and facilitators to school social work practice with homeless children. National Association of Social Workers, 36(3), 165–173.

Kahn, J. M. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Early childhood education and care as a social work issue. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 31(5), 419–433.

Therapy/Counseling Services

Hodge, D. R. (2011). Using spiritual interventions in practice: Developing some guidelines from
evidence-based practice. Social Work, 56(2), 149–158.

*Levenson, J. (2017). Trauma-informed social work practice. Social Work, 62(2), 105–113.
*Rosmarin, D. H., Salcone, S., Harper, D., & Forester, B. P. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Spiritual Psychotherapy for
Inpatient, Residential, and Intensive Treatment. American Journal of
Psychotherapy, 72(3), 75–83. https://doi- 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online0046

Thompson, S., Bender, K., Cardoso, J., & Flynn, P. (2011). Experiential activities in family therapy: Perceptions of caregivers and youth. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 20(5), 560–568.

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