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#17The amount of chromium in the diet has an effect on the way the body processes insulin. In an experiment designed to study this phenomenon, four diets were fed to male rats. There were two factors. Chromium had two levels: low (L) and normal (N). The rats were allowed to eat as much as they wanted (M) or the total amount that they could eat was restricted (R). We call the second factor Eat. One of the variables measured was the amount of an enzyme called GITH. The means for this response variable appear in the following table.EatChromiumMRL4.5455.175N4.4255.317(a) Make a plot of the mean GITH for these diets, with the factor Chromium on the x axis and GITH on the y axis. For each Eat group connect the points for the two Chromium means. This answer has not been graded yet.(b) Describe the patterns you see. Does the amount of chromium in the diet appear to affect the GITH mean? Does restricting the diet rather than letting the rats eat as much as they want appear to have an effect? Is there an interaction?This answer has not been graded yet.(c) Compute the marginal means. Compute the differences between the M and R diets for each level of Chromium. Use this information to summarize numerically the patterns in the plot.#20Do left-handed people live shorter lives than right-handed people? A study of this question examined a sample of 949 death records and contacted next of kin to determine handedness. Note that there are many possible definitions of “left-handed.” The researchers examined the effects of different definitions on the results of their analysis and found that their conclusions were not sensitive to the exact definition used. For the results presented here, people were defined to be right-handed if they wrote, drew, and threw a ball with the right hand. All others were defined to be left-handed. People were classified by gender (female or male) and handedness (left or right), and a 2 × 2 ANOVA was run with the age at death as the response variable. The F statistics were 22.36 (handedness), 37.44 (gender), and 2.10 (interaction). The following marginal mean ages at death (in years) were reported: 77.39 (females), 71.32 (males), 75.00 (right-handed), and 66.03 (left-handed).(a) For each of the F statistics given, find the degrees of freedom and an approximate P-value. Assignment Help – Summarize the results of these tests.This answer has not been graded yet.(b) Using the information given, write a short summary of the results of the study.#21 The PLANTS1 data set in the Data Appendix gives the percent of nitrogen in four different species of plants grown in a laboratory. The species are Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia saligna, Prosopis juliflora, and Eucalyptus citriodora. The researchers who collected these data were interested in commercially growing these plants in parts of the country of Jordan where there is very little rainfall. To examine the effect of water, they varied the amount per day from 50 millimeters (mm) to 650 mm in 100 mm increments. There were nine plants per species-by-water combination. Because the plants are to be used primarily for animal food, with some parts that can be consumed by people, a high nitrogen content is very desirable.Examine the residuals. Are there any unusual patterns or outliers? If you think that there are one or more points that are somewhat extreme, rerun the two-way analysis without these observations. Does this change the results in any substantial way?