This week, you will continue building the components of your business requirements document for Hollywood Organic Co-op. In the previous weeks, you have identified the types of data, standards, and policies required for a new EDMS. This week, you determine how to electronically move data around in an EDMS and determine the physical and environmental security requirements.

Ace my homework – Write a 2- to 4-page evaluation of the implementation of physical and environmental controls for the new EDMS. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the following:

  • How to control access to a document at each stage of its life cycle
  • How to move documents within the organization as team members contribute to document creation, review, approval, publication, and disposition
  • Physical and environmental security controls that must be implemented to protect the data and systems for Hollywood Organic Co-op’s five locations, including for the identification, authentication, and restriction of users to authorized functions and data
  • Format citations according to Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines.
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