State legislatures continue to advance policy proposals to address cyber threats directed at governments and private businesses. As threats continue to evolve and expand and as the pace of new technologies accelerates, legislatures are making cybersecurity measures a higher priority.
You are to author a 2-page (maximum) paper about the “failed” amendments proposed by the Kentucky legislature in 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers with respect to Cyber Policy. APA format – 1 cover page, 2 content pages, and 1 reference page.
You are to answer two questions in your individual papers.
Brief background of the proposed amendment and “researched” speculation as to why it failed?
What would you propose for them to pass in 2020?
Remember to cite your sources appropriately and turn in original work!
KY S 14
Status: Failed – Adjourned
Provides definitions relating to personal information, provides certain personal information that shall be protected from disclosure by a public agency or third-party contractor through redaction or other means, provides a list of covered persons, provides guidelines for contracts between a public agency and a third-party contractor.