Operations Analysis Instructions
The operations analysis assignment is a 2,000-word (+/- 10%) essay examining the
relevant facets of a particular military operation. It requires a scholarly consideration of
the background to the operation, the planning and conduct of the operation, and the
lessons that political and military leaders should learn from the operation.
Choose one of the following operations to analyse:
• Operation Anaconda, Afghanistan, 2002
• Operation Odyssey Dawn, Libya, March 2011
• Operation Desert Storm, Iraq, 1991
• Operation Phantom Thunder, Iraq, 2007
• Operation Inherent Resolve, Syria/Iraq, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay-present

This assignment is an opportunity for you to address the overarching question that we
have been considering throughout the unit: what makes for the effective use of military
In order to effectively answer that question with regard to your operation of choice, you
will need to make a broad determination about whether or not the operation was
successful (or, perhaps, partially successful), and then you will need to explain why you
think the operation succeeded or failed.
In determining the success or failure of the operation you should consider both immediate
but also, importantly, longer term, second and third order consequences. For instance,
immediate operational success may contribute to future strategic or political problems due
to the way the operation was carried out.
Given Luttwak’s definition of operations as ‘schemes of warfare that seek to attain the
goals set by theatre strategy through suitable combinations of tactics’, an assessment of
your chosen operation will need to consider both strategic factors (i.e., the level above the
operational level of war) and tactical factors (i.e., the level below the operational level).
Among the types of issues and topics you might consider are: strategic context; purpose
and objectives (both political and military); command and leadership; major force
components and weapons systems; relevant military doctrine and principles; legal and
ethical issues; and the narratives used to explain and give meaning to the operation.
The exact factors you decide to focus on will vary according to the operation you choose
and how you decide to approach the analysis. Remember, too, that explanations for
operational success or failure do not just depend on the side initiating the operation but
also on the actions of the enemy.
In addition to providing an overview of the operation and assessing its effectiveness, you
should also suggest wider lessons and strategic implications that can be derived from your
This assignment will require more research than the policy memo assignment, and it will
require a different type of research. Beyond tracking down news articles, press releases,
etc., you should also identify and consider more academic sources such as scholarly books,
journal articles, and good-quality military, government, or think-tank reports on your
chosen operation. The unit readings should also be used, where appropriate, to support
your analysis and help you to develop an argument about the operation’s effectiveness.
Format and style
You can choose to write a piece that reads as a single narrative or break your essay into
sections with sub-headings. Sub-headings, if you include them, and references (whether
in-text or footnotes) are included in the word count. Bibliographies or lists of references
are not included in the word count. In terms of font and spacing, please use 12-point
Times New Roman font with 1.5 spacing.
It is important that you correctly cite the sources you use and provide a reference
list/bibliography of those sources at the end of your paper. You can use either the Harvard
or Oxford referencing systems. The library has information on the referencing systems
Marking criteria
A marking rubric for this assignment is available on iLearn.
The operations analysis assignment is due by 11:59pm on Friday 19 October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online. Please
submit your essay using the Turnitin dropbox. If you do not submit your assignment on
time, 2% of the available mark will be deducted for each day (including weekends) the
memo is late. No assignment will be accepted more than seven (7) days, including
weekends, after the original submission deadline.

Criteria Excellent (HD)
Very good (D)
Good (Cr)
Needs improvement (P)
1. Foundations (20%) The essay is built upon an
excellent understanding of
the operation, as exhibited by
the wide range of sources
used and the depth of
engagement with those
sources; unit readings have
been well used, where
appropriate, to enhance the
analysis of the essay.
The essay is built upon a
very good understanding of
the operation, as exhibited by
the solid range of sources
used and the depth of
engagement with those
sources; unit readings have
been well used, where
appropriate, to enhance the
analysis of the essay.
The essay is built upon a
good understanding of the
operation, although some
flaws and/or confusion are
evident; some appropriate
sources have been used,
although the depth of
engagement with those
sources is variable; unit
readings have been used,
although not always
The essay is built upon a
satisfactory understanding of
the operation, although some
serious flaws and/or
confusion are evident; some
appropriate sources have
been used, although the
depth of engagement with
those sources is weak; unit
readings have been used
sporadically, and less than
The essay is built upon an
inadequate understanding of
the operation; little or no
attempt has been made to
identify and use appropriate
sources, or such sources have
been used inappropriately;
little or no attempt has been
made to use unit readings to
enhance the essay’s analysis.
2. Substance (40%) The essay makes a
convincing argument as to
the operation’s success or
failure, and in doing so
offers an excellent analysis
of appropriate factors that
contributed to that success or
failure; the significance of
the essay’s argument is well
conveyed through the
identification of lessons that
should be learned from the
The essay makes a
convincing argument as to
the operation’s success or
failure, and in doing so
offers a very good analysis
of mostly appropriate factors
that contributed to that
success or failure; the
significance of the essay’s
argument is well conveyed
through the identification of
lessons that should be
learned from the operation.
The essay makes a plausible
argument as to the
operation’s success or
failure, and in doing so
offers a solid analysis of
relevant factors that
contributed to that success or
failure, although there are
gaps or flaws in the
identification and/or analysis
of those factors; a good
attempt has been made to
identify lessons that should
be learned.
The essay makes a plausible
argument as to the
operation’s success or
failure, although the
identification and analysis of
contributing factors is weak
in places; an attempt has
been made to identify
lessons that should be
learned from the operation,
but the lessons might not
clearly flow from the
preceding analysis.
The essay’s argument as to
the operation’s success or
failure lacks plausibility or is
non-existent; the
identification and analysis of
relevant factors against
which the operation should
be assessed is confused, very
weak, and/or contradictory;
little or no attempt has been
made to identify lessons that
should be learned.
3. Style (40%) The essay reads smoothly;
the structure is clear;
sentences, paragraphs and
sections nicely transition into
the following ones; the tone
is appropriate, with apt word
choices, succinct phrasing,
and an absence of hyperbole;
there are no spelling or
grammatical mistakes.
The essay mostly reads
smoothly; the structure is
clear; transitions between
sentences, paragraphs and
sections are generally well
done; the tone is appropriate,
with apt word choices,
succinct phrasing, and an
absence of hyperbole; there
are very few spelling or
grammatical mistakes.
The essay is generally well
written, although disjointed
in places, i.e., the structure is
not entirely clear, or some of
the transitions between
sentences, paragraphs and/or
sections jar; the tone is
mostly appropriate, although
some awkward phrasing or
word choices may be
evident; some grammatical
The essay can be
comprehended, but lacks a
clear structure and/or has a
number of abrupt shifts
between sentences,
paragraphs and/or sections; it
exhibits awkward phrasing
and poor word choices in
some places; there are
spelling and/or grammatical
The essay has substantial
problems at the sentence and
paragraph levels, and may be
incomprehensible in places;
tone and language is
inappropriate; there are a
considerable number of
spelling or grammatical
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