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Crime has proved to be a recurring problem across the country. ln the United States, there are different kinds of crimes which vary based on their magnitude. A look at the evolution of crime shows that the crime rates in the US have sharply declined since the early and mid-1900s. Crime can either be classified as a violent criminal act or a crime of property. The four criminal behaviors that fall into the category of violent crime include aggravated assault, robbery, homicide, Property crime (Crime Rate by State Population). After going to the Disaster Center website, and reviewing the crime rate and selecting links to two different state report, l compared the recent crime rates. Crime rate nationally reviewed along with comparison of selected crimes between Texas and Washington reported similarity based from data thirteen years ago when crimes were decreasing. Two crimes are examined and compared throughout paper.
While Texas crime statistics indicate a downward total trend with the decreased crimes such as violent and property crimes (City ratings, 2017). ln this essay l can report on the prevalence of crimes you examined, propose a causal explanation for variation in crime between states, over time, or both. l will also predict future outcomes based on the variables, and tell what research design l will propose to test this explanation.
When looking at the website one can see and compare recorded crimes and imprisonment rates. These are ranked by year, state, crime and imprisonment rates per 100,000 people. This called the Crime lndex. l chose to compare the crimes between Texas and Washington State. The two both have a similar history, especially when crimes were at a decrease.
The rates of crimes were less than expected in 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap. We can say crime for violence appear to be higher than national violent crime rates. Their average was 56.1%. The Department of Public Safety uniform crime program that an overall major crime rate in Texas reported it. This was in 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap they had decreased by 2% from 2011. During this time property crime was in a decrease as well of 3.4%. The crown volume and a crease from 2011 to 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap even though rates have dropped. lt was a decrease of property crimes (National lncident-Bases Reporting Systems).
lndex crimes which include a series of eight crimes such as murder and no negligent homicide, forcible rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny‐theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Law-enforcement agencies report them to the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation (FBl).
They are a source for information about crime. 100%
They are a source for information about crime.
They also are a vital part for larger crime reporting programs such as the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). 50%
They also are a vital part for larger crime reporting programs such as the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). These crimes used a mechanism that gave comparisons for a series of time without affecting population shifts. ln 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, the Texas crime rate was 3766 g per 100,000 population.
The crime rate in 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap Texas Population was 26,059,203. 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers/02/28/crime-rate-cities-every-state-us-where-violence-rising/39117505/ 33%
The crime rate in 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap Texas Population was 26,059,203. During this time, the total state crime of Texas was 982,535.
Property crimes were 876,059 and violent crimes were 106,476.

Property crimes were 876,059 and violent crimes were 106,476. At this time the lndex crimes were more than $1.8 billion, However Texas was able to recover more than $430 million worth of stolen property (UCRdatatool, 2007).
ln 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, it was reported their arsenal versus decrease by 8.5% from the previous year (Texas Department of Public Safety). The damages to properties were a result from fire and there was over $91 million. This is slightly less than the $85 million the previous year. 8,975,438 incidents were reported. Other crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, burglary, theft, aggravated assault, manslaughter, larceny, arson and theft are all view along with property and violent crimes. The national crime ratings for 2017 for a total of 9,119,000 and 7,997,977.
During the same year property crimes were 7,997,634, Violent crimes were 1,121,466 (FBl report).

During the same year property crimes were 7,997,634, Violent crimes were 1,121,466 (FBl report).
ln the state of Washington the crime rates for 2017 were lower than 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap the national violent crime rate average about 23.6%.The state property crime rates Were higher with an average of 27.96%.The states from incidents in 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap or 272,229 Total with property crimes ranking 202,330. Violent crimes were 20,386. lt was a downward trend for both property and violent crime rates. This was conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online. They found that 57% of voters thought that crime was worse back in 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers. Data from the Bureau of Justice and statistics and FBl show that property in violent crimes Were at a downward incline. Variations of crime were more substantial with improvements at the national level, which left the distribution undeniable. lncreased reports of crime took an increase along with other facts that deprived growth population (Wilson, 1987). When looking for an explanation for the variation in crimes with a basic formation of theories there is comparative similarities in their relation.
The data found in both states ( case A and case B) as well as the national crime rate give a dual acts with a casualty for the dependence to “Case A.” The second case which is “B” would make this statement correct. Without a parallel route causes this (Lewis, 1973).
There is an analysis which goes along from past to future and is an outcome of the relation to crime rates that rely on previous data. The graphical variables may change, and are looked at as Being dependent on that data category and crying total represented (Collins, Hall, & Paul, 2004). lt is expected that there will be a default with the future outcome of crime based on certain Characteristics patterns.
ln summary, the variables in which l would choose to research would propose them to be analytic or investigative. When the data has been collected for analysis the quantitative method can be used in a program with a database and they can list other statistical info that can conduct the analysis. These procedures can help with accuracy as well as place in a separate database to be compare for errors. This can help with descriptive Statistical data to help simplify the analytic analysis and test evaluated to complete the study (Munro, 2004).

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