Obesity in America
While obesity did not necessarily affect me personally, I saw obesity and its effects in my community. People have mobility difficulties and need to use wheelchairs or similar equipment to get around. It is not a big deal to have ramps to get into certain businesses or up, but what would such people do in building fires? You can not use elevators or stairs. How do firefighters get them out of a burning building? Obesity endangers her safety, not to mention the health risks. However, the health risks also increase their mortality, meaning that they can leave behind small children who may become orphans, filling the already overburdened care system. It is also clear that such persons can not work. They may receive assistance with disabilities, but this may not be enough to feed themselves and their families. While it easy for some people is to say, “Obese people get hurt only themselves,” this is not the reality of the situation. Obesity affects other people in their lives. One factor that both children as
also contributes to obesity in adults, is inactivity. People do not get enough physical activity such as movement to the calories, the counter they consume. There are at least two preventative measures that can reduce the likelihood of obesity. The first is to become physically active. This can be as simple as a daily stroll through the neighborhood or a staircase instead of the elevator. It can also be more complicated, eg. For example, go to a gym and get a personal trainer or attend weekly practice sessions. Increasing your own activity helps to burn calories. The second measure that a person can take is to reduce their calorie intake. It’s about balance; When a person consumes many calories, they need to be more physically active to counteract the effects of those calories. If you do not want to exercise physically, you need to eat less calories.
One particular sociological theory that can be applied to obesity and its relationship to physical inactivity / activity is the theory of rational choice. The theory of rational choice has both social as well as economic applications. Rational choice theory primarily refers to the process a person goes through to identify and evaluate their decisions before making a decision. It is related to utilitarianism , which suggests that decisions should be based on their utility – their ability to serve the needs of humans (or other living beings). This theory assumes that those who make decisions, act rationally and understand alternative choices, understand the consequences of alternatives, have the ability to prioritize preferences, and use a standard criterion to evaluate options.
H ow does that have overweight and physical inactivity / activity? Well, Rational Choice Theory / Utilitarianism suggests that rational actors can understand their choices in the context of alternatives, understand the consequences of their decisions, prioritize preferences (rather than outcomes), and direct a decision rule that guides them. All this happens on an individual level and requires that the choices made meet the needs of the decision maker (and possibly others). In people with obesity, they decide to consume more calories than they burn, although they know that consuming more calories than necessary contributes to weight gain (choosing alternatives). They understand that physical inactivity means they do not burn as many calories as they need, although reducing their intake would be helpful (the consequence of their choice and the consequence of an alternative). However, they prefer to consume more calories, even though they do. They know the consequence (preference for result). They have a decision rule – in this case, they can be any number of things: they like the taste of certain “bad ” foods , they do not like exercise, they make you happy, or they are emotionally food.
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Herndon, A. M. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Childhood Obesity in America: Biography of an Epidemic. The Historian, 78(3), 517.
Swan, Judith. “Obesity in America.” (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers).
Montgomery, Kathryn, et al. “Big Data and the transformation of food and beverage marketing: undermining efforts to reduce obesity?.” Critical Public Health 29.1 (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers): 110-117.
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