NUTR2001 Assessment 2 Part B Page 1 of 4
Subject Code andTitle NUTR2001: Human Nutrition1
Assessment The Role of Macronutrients in Health
Individual/Group Individual
Length Report: 1500 words +/-10%
LearningOutcomes a) Describe and distinguish the complex nature of
human digestion with specific reference to
macronutrient absorption
b) Define and discuss the structure of the macronutrient
and their biological role in humanmetabolism
c) List and recall recommended intakes anddietary
sources of the variousmacronutrients
d) Demonstrating an understanding of contributing
factorsthat may lead to states of excess, insufficiency
or deficiency of macronutrients
e) Recognise and interpret signs and symptoms
associated with states of excess, insufficiency or
deficiency of macronutrients
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5.2 (Week10)
For intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end
of Week 5 / Module 5.1
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100marks
This assessment is aimed at developing the student’s understanding of all of the
macronutrients and the role they play in human metabolism.
By prescribing this assessment, students are able to build on their understanding of the
importance of nutrition in relation to human physiology and health. This assessment allows
students to further advance their skills in sourcing and identifying reliable and credible
information, which they will incorporate into their written work. Students are able to develop
their academic writing skills, as they are expected to express their ideas in a coherent and
logical manner, while also enhancing their critical analysis skills, through interpretation and
translation of the informationresearched.
NUTR2001 Assessment 2 Part B Page 2 of 4
Students are to discuss all of the following macronutrientslisted below, and in a 1500-
word report, define and describe the macronutrients in terms of:
The composition of themacronutrients
The biological functions
Dietary sources
Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
Factors contributing to states ofexcess
Factors contributing to states of insufficiency and deficiency
Signs and symptoms
It is essential that you use appropriate Ace homework tutors – APA style for citing and referencing research. I need help writing my essay – research paper
see more information on referencing here
Students should use at least five (5) reputable resources in their report.
Information may be sourced from primary, secondary and tertiary sources:
o Primary sources: original research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analysisfrom
high quality journals, peer reviewed journals.
o Secondary sources: general review articles, summaries, abstracts of primary source
o Tertiary sources: recognised, authoritative textbooks.
Submission Instructions:
Students to submit via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in NUTR2001Human
Nutrition 1. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS
portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
NUTR2001 Assessment 2 Part B Page 3 of 4
See the attached format for how to structure your report.
How to Ace my homework – Write aReport
The purpose of writing a report is to present information which can be described or
analysed. The key differences between writing a report and an essay; are that an essay
provides opportunity for exploration of ideas which can be expanded on in a lot more detail.
A report on the other hand is more prescriptive in its structure and the language that is
used. This means that your writing style needs to be concise and clear. Reports are broken
up into headings and subheadings, can include tables, graphs and diagrams; and information
can be presented in dot point form whereappropriate.
The following is a basic report structure which can be used to successfully complete this
assessment task.
This section requires you to provide background information on the topic you have chosen
to investigate (including historical context,surrounding changes in our understanding), the
purpose of your report, and what information your report will contain. This section is to be
written in complete sentences and paragraphs. It does not to contain any dot point
information or tables, graphs anddiagrams.
Body of Report
This section will be broken up into a series of subheadings which will address each of the
key areas you are required to research for your topic. The majority of these sections should
be written in complete sentences and paragraphs however, you can include graphs,
diagrams and tables that may be appropriate. Ensure that you title these clearly, in the
correct way, and reference using the Ace homework tutors – APA system where necessary. Tables, graphs and
diagrams can also be added in an appendix at the end of your report, and when doing this,
you need to clearly state where the item can be located. Generally, information presented
in this format does not count towards your overall word count. Some information may be
presented in dot point, however if the majority of your information is set out in this way it
makes it difficult to evaluate your level of understanding for each area being researched.
This section brings together all of the information that you have presented in your report,
and links back to your introduction any information that adds value to ouroverall
understanding of the topic. You can also discuss any areas which have been identified as
requiring further research or investigation and how this will work to improve or change our
understanding of the topic. This section does not introduce or discuss any new information
specifically, and like the introduction, will be written in complete sentences and paragraphs.
No tables, graphs, diagrams or dotpoints.
NUTR2001 Assessment 2 Part B Page 4 of 4
After the body of your report, you should list your references. You will need to list themin
alphabetical order using the surname of the author, as per the Ace homework tutors – APA 6th Edition format.
I need help writing my essay – research paper ensure that you list all the resources you have used throughout the report,
including any items in the Appendix.
Here you can include information which you may have referred to specifically throughout
your report, but were unable to include directly into the report (usually due to limited
word count). You need to ensure that anything you include here is clearly titled and easily
identifiable as to where it relates within yourreport.
NUTR2001 Assessment 2 Part B Page 5 of 4
Word Count
Word count must be clearly displayed on the title page or cover sheet. Required word count
does not include text appearing in the title page, abstract, reference list or appendices, but
does include in-text citations, the body of the text, headings and tables*. Tables, graphs, and
figures should be included as Appendices at the end of your assignment, and should not
substitute the amount of information or discussion in the body of the academic submission,
and should not consist of more than 10% of the total assignment word count. If you have any
queries please consult with your lecturer before you complete and submit your assessment.
Word Count Excess Penalty
10% – 20% 5% of the total mark
More than 20% 10% of the total mark
allocated for every 10%
over the stated word count
down to a minimum of
*unless otherwise suggested in the assessment brief.
Ace homework tutors – APA Referencing
A link to the Academic Writing and Referencing Guide can be found here
Overdue Assessments
An assessment is ‘overdue’ when it is not submitted by the due date or by the agreed
extension date. For each calendar day (i.e. 24 hours) the assessment is late, a loss of 10% of
the total possible marks will occur up to a total of five calendar days, after which a zero mark
will be recorded. Arrangements for an assessment extension is available to students with
unexpected or extenuating circumstances.
(see Application for Assessment Special Consideration form)
NUTR2001 Assessment 2 Part B Brief Page 4 of 4
LearningRubric: Assessment 2 Part B Final Report
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction
Grade Description
(Grading Scheme)
Evidence of unsatisfactory
achievement of one or moreof
the learning objectives ofthe
course, insufficient
understanding of thecourse
content and/orunsatisfactory
level of skilldevelopment.
Evidence ofsatisfactory
achievement of courselearning
objectives, the developmentof
relevant skills to a competent
level, and adequate
interpretation and critical
Evidence of a good level of
understanding, knowledge and
skill development in relation to
the content of the course or
work of a superior quality onthe
majority of the learning
objectives of thecourse.
Demonstration of a high levelof
interpretation and critical
Evidence of a high level of
achievement of the learning
objectives of the course
demonstrated in such areas as
interpretation and critical
analysis, logical argument, useof
methodology and
communication skills.
Evidence of an exceptionallevel
of achievement of learning
objectives across the entire
content of the course
demonstrated in such areasas
interpretation and critical
analysis, logical argument,
creativity, originality, use of
methodology and
communication skills.
Knowledge and
Limited understanding of
the topic. Key areas have
not been addressed.
Demonstrates knowledge
of the assigned topic,and
is able to summarise
information, which
highlights a basic
understanding of the
Thorough understanding of
the topic, and
demonstrates a capacity to
explain and apply relevant
concepts. All key areas
have been addressed.
Highly developed
understanding of the topic.
Has addressed all key areas
of the assessment in detail
and demonstrated a
capacity to clearly explain
all relevant concepts.
A sophisticated
understanding of the topic.
Has addressed all of the
key concepts in detail and
demonstrated a capacity to
add insight and further
understanding to the
concepts explored.
Text contains limited facts
and examples related to
the topic.
Text provides facts,
definitions, details and
examples that attemptto
develop and explain the
Text provides relevant
facts, extendeddefinitions,
concrete details and
examples that develop and
explain the topic.
Text provides relevant
facts, extendeddefinitions,
concrete details and
examples thatsufficiently
develop and explain the
Strong application of
information, which is
presented expertly and
authoritatively. Text
provides significant and
relevant facts, extended
definitions, concrete
details and examplesthat
are thoroughly developed.
NUTR2001 Assessment 2 Part B Brief Page 4 of 4
Has not been written in
accordance to academic
genre. Is difficult to
understand and islacking
in flow of ideas and line of
Poorly written witherrors
in spelling and grammar.
Is written in accordance to
academic genre and have
accurate spelling,
grammar, sentence, and
paragraph construction.
Information and evidence
are presented in amanner
that is not consistently
clear and logical.
Is well written andadheres
to academic genre.
Information is well
presented, and
demonstrates a clearflow
of ideas and easy tofollow
line of reasoning.
Is very well written and
adheres to academic genre.
Information and evidence
are well presented in a
clear and logicalmanner.
Evidence expertly supports
and developsideas.
Audience is engaged and
demonstrates cultural
Expertly written and
adheres to the academic
Demonstrates a
sophisticated flow of ideas
which engages and
sustains audience’s
use of good quality,
credible and relevant
research sources to
support ideas. Ace homework tutors – APA
referencing has errors or
not been usedconsistently.
Demonstrates consistent
used of credible and
relevant research sources
to support and develop
ideas, although these are
not consistently explicit or
well developed.
There are no mistakes
using Ace homework tutors – APA referencing
Demonstrates consistent
use of high quality, credible
and relevant research
sources to support and
develop ideas.
There are nomistakes
using Ace homework tutors – APA referencing
Consistently demonstrates
expert use of high quality,
credible and relevant
sources to supportwriting.
Demonstrates evidence of
reading beyond the key
There are nomistakes
using Ace homework tutors – APA referencing
Demonstrates expert use
of high quality, credible
and relevant sources,
which develop andsupport
ideas in a sophisticated
Extensive evidence of
reading beyond key texts.
There are no mistakes
using Ace homework tutors – APA referencing
Access Control Methods
Security Question (60 points) Research some of the access control methods that are utilized within your organization. For example, does your organization leverage public key infrastructure (PKI), key card authentication, or login hours? If you are not currently working, what access control methods have you seen, and how effective were the control methods? Explore the […]