Nursing NR439 PPE Worksheet

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem

Select and identify ONLY one quality or safety clinical priority area from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Assignment Help – Summarize why you believe the nursing practice problem/issue is the most important. Assignment Help – Summarize your rationale (why) for choosing the problem.

Clinical Nursing

PICOT Question

Using the NR439 Guide for Writing PICOT Questions and Examples located in the assignment guidelines, write out your PICOT question. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the PICOT letters in your question.

Define PICOT Elements

Define each of the PICOT elements from your question above.

P- (patient population/patients of interest):

I- (Intervention):

C- (Comparison):

O- (Measurable outcome):

T- (Time frame in months):

Evidence Retrieval Process and Homework help – Summary

Using only the Chamberlain College of Nursing library:

(1) Locate evidence that is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem. Explain how you believe the evidence is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem.

(2) Explain why you chose the evidence

(3) Provides a complete Ace homework tutors – APA reference to the evidence (must include authors, year, title of the evidence, title of the resource)

(4) Evidence must be published within the last 10 years

(5) Provides the permalink

Implications of the Evidence

Assignment Help – Summarize what you learned from the evidence. Assignment Help – Summarize why you believe the nursing evidence-based practice committee should focus their next research project on the nursing practice problem.

Evidence Search Terms

Identify 4 (or more) relevant searchable terms you used for your search for evidence.


PPE Worksheet for Nursing NR439
PPE Worksheet for Nursing NR439

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem

Select and identify ONLY one quality or safety clinical priority area from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Assignment Help – Summarize why you believe the nursing practice problem/issue is the most important. Assignment Help – Summarize your rationale (why) for choosing the problem.

Clinical Nursing

PICOT Question

Using the NR439 Guide for Writing PICOT Questions and Examples located in the assignment guidelines, write out your PICOT question. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include the PICOT letters in your question.

Define PICOT Elements

Define each of the PICOT elements from your question above.

P- (patient population/patients of interest):

I- (Intervention):

C- (Comparison):

O- (Measurable outcome):

T- (Time frame in months):

Evidence Retrieval Process and Homework help – Summary

Using only the Chamberlain College of Nursing library:

(1) Locate

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