NURS 601: Professional Philosophy of
Advanced Nursing Practice Paper Guidelines

The scholarly paper allows students to develop a professional nursing philosophy with a focus on synthesizing professional advanced roles and theoretical, evidence-based concepts.

The paper will be written in the following two phases.

• A draft of the introduction and section one (i.e. The Introduction and the Advanced Nursing Role) of the paper will be submitted and will receive instructor feedback. This assignment will be worth 20 points. The due date is on the course schedule.

• Students will revise the introduction and section one of the paper and add the remaining sections to comprise the final paper. This assignment is worth 130 points.

Deadlines: Due dates for both assignments are located on the course schedule. Unless pre-arranged, late papers will lose 5 points per day late. Papers submitted later that 48 hours after the due date will not be accepted resulting in a zero for the assignment(s).
Logistics: This paper is to be written in Ace homework tutors – APA format with the following criteria:
• 12 point Times Roman font
• one inch margins on all four sides
• double spaced (including references)
• Formal style of writing – no contractions, slang or clichés
• Third person style REQUIRED in all sections except the actual philosophy section. Introduction, Role, Theory and Conclusion must all be written in third person.
• Direct quotes are not permitted.
• Submit your papers in Word (not in PDF format).
A separate cover page is required and a sample of the cover page for section one of the paper is provided on BB. I need help writing my essay – research paper make sure you review that document on BB. Note for future reference: The course name and date are not officially part of an Ace homework tutors – APA cover page. Everything else is. I added the course name and date to help me identify all your papers. Check with your instructors each term if they have any specifics for a cover page.
I need help writing my essay – research paper adjust the cover page title for the final version of the paper.
Simple headings (level 1 – centered on the page) that correspond to the paper criteria are required for the paper. These are your headings.
• The Advanced Nursing Role
• Theory
• Philosophy
• Conclusion
The Writing Center: If you are having trouble with sentence structure (i.e. subject /verb agreements and general writing) please contact the Writing Center soon.
Important Advice: Remember to carefully proof your paper before you submit it – A suggestion is to complete your paper and let it sit for a day and then go back to it one final time. Reading the paper out loud often helps find errors. Also, consider having someone review your document. Do not procrastinate by submitting your paper 5 minutes before the deadline. Emailed papers will not be accepted. They must be uploaded to the Blackboard site.
Sections of your paper as they are shown on your rubric

Introduction (1/2 page)

Written in third person. Introduces the reader to the topic and purpose of the Professional Philosophy of Advanced Nursing Practice paper. Define and discuss the advanced nursing role, nursing theory, nursing philosophy, and the integration into professional nursing practice (1-2 sentences each). Do not use the words “this paper” anywhere in the document. I need help writing my essay – research paper do not put the word “Introduction” as a heading because it follows the title of the paper directly – so it is assumed to be the intro. (Title belongs at the top of the first page of the paper). Make sure you state the purpose of the paper near the end of this section.

The Advanced Nursing Role (2 pages)

Written in third person. Select the role of the advanced nurse that you will be pursuing. There will be an opportunity to draft this section under Module 4. I need help writing my essay – research paper do the following:
• Provide a broad definition (with references) of the nurse educator or nurse practitioner.
• List all competencies and select 3 core competencies from either the NONPF core competency document or the NLN Nurse Educator core competencies that are meaningful to your future role.
• For the 3 core competencies your selected above please do the following:
• Describe aspects of each of the three competencies you selected. For example, talk about several of the components of the leadership competency area in the NONPF document. Then select two more competency areas to discuss if you chose the NP role. Another example is to talk about the components of the Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization competency for nurse educators. Then select two more competencies to discuss. I need help writing my essay – research paper reference the national standards (NONPF or NLN competencies) specific to your role (Master’s prepared NP, Doctorally prepared NP (ie. DNP) or Master’s prepared Nurse Educator)
Theory (2 pages)
Written in third person. Describe a nursing or non-nursing theory which interests you and which could be a foundation for your future practice as an NP or Nurse Educator. Many theories are huge, so for this section of the paper you can briefly introduce the theory and focus on a piece of the theory that is important to you and that could be a foundation for your future nursing practice. Explain why you selected that specific theory to guide your future practice as an advanced nurse.
You can use your McEwen text and reference that text to look for theories; however, when you do find a theory, please cite the person who developed the theory (as a primary source) too. For example, if you read about Benner, please cite a resource from Benner’s actual work (ie Benner as author). You can still cite sources like McEwen, but also you need to give credit to a primary source by the author of the theory.
Philosophy (3 pages)
Third person preferred, but not required. Synthesize the ideas and constructs from the first two sections to develop a professional philosophy of advanced nursing specifically related to the future role you are pursuing.
Although you are in the early stages of graduate study, it is important for you to start conceptualizing what your future role will be like. Your philosophy may change over time as you pursue your degree, however, having a philosophy at the beginning can greatly help you focus on your chosen career path
Create your philosophy of professional practice and include the following:
• Describe your beliefs about teaching or patient care (depending on your role).
• Incorporate the value of evidence-based practice in your discussion as it relates to advanced nursing.
• Explain how the theory and competencies you chose would be implemented into your future practice.
• Describe how you envision your practice in advanced nursing (i.e. educator, clinician, other) based on your professional philosophy.

Conclusion: Concluding paragraph – remember when you write a concluding paragraph, you cannot introduce new material. It’s a conclusion based on things you have already stated.
(1/2 page)

References: Relevance and comprehensiveness of references will be assessed. At least 8 references are required. References should not be more than 5 years old unless they are seminal articles/sources. The references are also to be double spaced.

I need help writing my essay – research paper review the rubrics carefully as you write your paper.

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