NUR2790 Professional Nursing III Module 10 Assignment

Concept Map

Your patient is a 52-year-old male with a history of smoking and alcohol abuse. He presents to the ED with complaints of “my skin looks yellow, my stomach hurts, and I feel nauseous”. He is taken to CT and a tumor near the pancreas is observed. It appears to be blocking the common bile duct. Develop a plan of care for the patient. Use the attached concept map.

Possible Medications
Clinical Manifestations


Possible Nursing Diagnosis
Medical Diagnosis
Patient Data/Risk Factors
Medical Interventions
Nursing Interventions
Diagnostic Data
Patient Education


Assignment for NUR2790 Professional Nursing III Module 10

Diagram of Concepts

Your patient is a 52-year-old man who has a history of smoking and drinking. He arrives in the ED complaining that “my skin appears yellow, my stomach hurts, and I feel queasy.” He is transported to the CT scanner, where a tumor near the pancreas is discovered. The common bile duct appears to be blocked. Create a care plan for the patient. Make use of the idea map provided.

Potential Medications
Subjective Clinical Manifestations:


Nursing Possibilities Diagnosis
Diagnosis Medical
Patient Information/Risk Factors
Interventions in Medicine
Diagnostic Data for Nursing Interventions
Patient Orientation

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