Read the Case Study below and post answers.
Answers must:
Be 100 words or more
Ace homework tutors – APA Format
References are cited (if necessary)
Case Study
Setting the Stage for Community Health Nursing

At the community health care agency, the assigned nurse reviews with the assigned student the conceptual foundations and core functions of community health practice that are integrated into the various roles and settings of community health nursing. After working at the agency for the day, the student has to prepare an oral report to present to the class the next day.

What are the three core public health functions that are basic to community health nursing?
There are seven different roles of the community health nurse. What are the seven different roles of the community health nurse?
The role of manager is a critical role for the community health nurse. What is involved in the role of manager within the framework of public health nursing functions?
There are seven settings in which community health nurses practice. What are the seven settings and provide a brief description of the settings in which community health nurses practice?

Read the Case Study below and respond with your thoughts.
Answers must include:

be at least 100 words

Ace homework tutors – APA Style

There are citations (if necessary)
Study of a Case

Getting the Ball Rolling for Community Health Nursing

The assigned nurse reviews with the assigned student the conceptual foundations and fundamental functions of community health practice that are integrated into the various roles and contexts of community health nursing at the community health care organization. After spending the day at the agency, the student must create an oral report to deliver to the class the following day.

What are the three fundamental public health functions of community health nursing?

The community health nurse has seven different roles. What are the seven distinct functions of the

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Research Helper
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