NUR 440 Final Project Milestone One DQ

Topic Proposal Guidelines and Rubric Overview: In Milestone One, you will submit a topic proposal for instructor approval which identifies your chosen problem or issue. You will also briefly explain your interest and what you hope to gain through a review of the literature. As the first piece of your final project, the topic proposal will enable you to develop your PICO(T) question in Milestone Two and round out the introduction of your final project. A good topic proposal is engaging, identifies a specific and original topic, explains the background and significance, and establishes a purpose. Prompt: Choose a topic of interest related to a nursing problem or issue in clinical practice. You can use examples from your work or education that you have encountered. You can think of the topic proposal as the prologue to your final project; it will help you formulate your PICO(T) question for Milestone Two. A well-written topic proposal will pique the reader’s interest, provide a clear focus, outline the history and significance of the subject, and define the assignment’s goals. Prompt: Pick anything you’re curious about that relates to a challenge or issue you’ve encountered as a nurse in the field. You can utilize real-world or academic scenarios as examples. Be sure to include the following elements in your topic proposal:

Identify your topic. How does it relate to a nursing problem or issue in clinical practice? Explain your interest and purpose. Why did you choose this topic? Explore the background and significance. What do you hope to gain by researching this topic? Analyze the relationship between research and evidence-based practice. How will your research on this topic contribute to evidence-based nursing

practice? Guidelines for Submission: Your topic proposal must be submitted as a 1–2 paragraph Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least one source cited in Ace homework tutors – APA format.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Identify Topic Clearly identifies a topic and

explains how it relates to a nursing problem or issue in clinical practice

Identifies a topic which is related to a nursing problem or issue in clinical practice

Identifies a topic which is loosely related to a nursing problem or issue in clinical practice, or is not clearly stated

Does not identify a topic, or chosen topic is unrelated to a nursing problem or issue in clinical practice


Explain Interest Clearly explains interest and purpose in chosen topic

Explains interest and purpose in chosen topic

Briefly explains interest and purpose in chosen topic

Does not explain interest and purpose in chosen topic


Background and Significance

Explores background and significance of chosen topic in depth and clearly relates to interest and purpose

Explores background and significance of chosen topic

Briefly explores background and significance of chosen topic

Does not explore background or significance of chosen topic

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