Specify the minute and second mark where the scene begins and ends (e.g. 24:54-26:-06). This will help you and me to quickly locate this scene for further analysis.
Describe the content of this scene, including: Location, lighting; camera angles, music, mood, characters, and dialogue.
Transcribe the dialogue (word for word) of this scene. (this should be relatively easy if you have the Closed Captions on). If the dialogue is dense and goes on for more than a page of text, you may focus on a subsection of the dialogue for transcription. NOTE: XXY is a film with a lot of silent spaces. This is intentional on part of the filmmaker. If relevant, think about what role silence plays in your scene.
In your opinion, what purpose this scene plays for the film as a whole? What part of the film does this scene occur (Part I, Part II, or Part II)? How does the scene move or complicate the plot of the film

Set the minute and second markers for when the scene starts and stops (e.g. 24:54-26:-06). This will make it easier for you and me to find this scene for future investigation.

Location, lighting, camera angles, music, mood, characters, and dialogue are all things to consider while describing the content of this scene.
Transcribe the conversation in this scenario (word for word). (If you have Closed Captions turned on, this should be quite simple.) You can focus on a segment of the discussion for transcription if the discourse is dense and continues on for more than a page of text. NOTE: There are a lot of silent gaps in XXY. This was done on purpose by the director. Consider the role of quiet in your scene, if applicable.

What, in your perspective,

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Research Helper
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