NM Nursing Ethics: Ethical Dilemma Presentation
You will be working in groups to prepare an ethical dilemma presentation at the end of the term.
There is a sign-up sheet so that you and your partner can select a topic. I would suggest that you
and your partner choose to use an article that you used for your persuasion paper. Although you
will present together, the paper turned in earlier must be separate and original. Find a current
(less than 6 months) news article related to the assigned topic. If you are not successful in
locating a news article, the instructor can supply you with a case description to use instead.
You will present the dilemma to the class and identify the ethical principles at play. Be creative
to engage your classmates in discussion. The presentation must be 5-10 minutes in length and
evoke a discussion of a minimum of 5-10 minutes led by the presenters. You may use
PowerPoint, Prezi, or any other method you desire to attain participation from the class. This
must be electronically sent to instructor 24 hours in advance of presentation. You may organize
it according to what works best for the topic. A handout to the class is required. If you have
questions, please refer to the rubric or ask the instructor for clarification. Successful completion
of this presentation is awarded with 150 points.
Substance Abuse Recovery Essay.
Substance Abuse Recovery Essay Substance abuse can be a hard topic to talk about. It often carries a heavy stigma, making it difficult for individuals to seek help and for society to engage in open conversations. This is a topic considered taboo in many societies and due to reasons including shame, stigma and fear, conversations […]