NG142 Writing Research and LiteraturernWeek 3 Discussion 1rnrnElie Wiesel’s Night, is a profound piece of Holocaust literature that describes the dehumanization of the Jews. Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than “things.” They were literally nothingness. To begin to understand this novel, you must first understand Wiesel’s (and the Jew’s) daily nightmare in the concentration camps. Upon arrival, if these people were not executed or gassed, they were tattooed with a number. Any fillings they had in their teeth, such as gold or silver, were immediately extracted without any pain medication. Their heads were shaved bald. And they were forced to stand naked, hosed down. Their names were replaced with a number. They worked until the point of exhaustion or death. Six (6) million Jewish people were murdered during WWII.rnWiesel lived through the nightmare of the Holocaust and penned his novel, Night, which has been translated in over 30 languages. In 1986 he won the Nobel Peace Price.rnAfter reading the novel, why do you feel Wiesel titled the book “Night?”rnGive specific examples from the novel and other sources in your discussion and cite using MLA format wherever necessary.rnrnDirections and Requirements for Discussion Posts:rnThe initial post, which is the student’s response to the discussion question, should be at least 200-300 words in length. rnThe student must respond to other students’ posts at least two times. The secondary posts must be a minimum of 100 words per post.rnAssessment and Grading: See Discussion Grading RubricrnWriting Requirementsrn• Initial Post Length: 200-300 wordsrn• Secondary Post Length: minimum of 100 words per postrnLearning Outcome(s): 3, 5, 6rn3. Demonstrate familiarity with the critical filed in literary studies and employ several different critical approaches to literature in substantive written work. Critical approaches may include:rn1 Text-based approaches such as formalism, structuralism, and post-structuralism or deconstruction.rn2 Historical and biographical approaches.rn3 Sociological approaches based in Marxist and feminist thought.rn4 Psychoanalytic approaches deriving from Freud, Jung, and/or Lacan.rn5. Develop organized and coherent analytical essays with a clear thesis for a defined audience.rn6. Show technical control of writing skills.rnrnWeek 3 ReadingrnrnHoward, Moore, and Taggart: Chapters 7, 9 & 10rnElie Wiesel: NightrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnENG142 Writing Research and LiteraturernWeek 3 Discussion 2rnrnAt the beginning of Night, Eliezer – at 12-years-old – weeps when he prays. As we follow him throughout the novel, how (and why) does his relationship with God and his faith change? At the end of the novel he is 16-years-old. How is 16-year-old Elie different from 12-year-old Elie?rnGive specific examples from the novel and other sources in your discussion and cite using APA format wherever necessary.rnrnDirections and Requirements for Discussion Posts:rnThe initial post, which is the student’s response to the discussion question, should be at least 200-300 words in length. rnThe student must respond to other students’ posts at least two times. The secondary posts must be a minimum of 100 words per post.rnAssessment and Grading: See Discussion Grading RubricrnWriting Requirementsrn• Initial Post Length: 200-300 wordsrn• Secondary Post Length: minimum of 100 words per postrnLearning Outcome(s): 3, 5, 6rn3. Demonstrate familiarity with the critical filed in literary studies and employ several different critical approaches to literature in substantive written work. Critical approaches may include:rn5 Text-based approaches such as formalism, structuralism, and post-structuralism or deconstruction.rn6 Historical and biographical approaches.rn7 Sociological approaches based in Marxist and feminist thought.rn8 Psychoanalytic approaches deriving from Freud, Jung, and/or Lacan.rn5. Develop organized and coherent analytical essays with a clear thesis for a defined audience.rn6. Show technical control of writing skills.nENG142 Research Writing and LiteraturernWeek 3 AssignmentrnrnEssayrnDirections: rn• The final sentences in the book Night are: “From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me” (Wiesel, 1960, p. 109). Throughout the book, the theme of identity was not only an issue for the author himself, but for all of the characters.rn• Write an essay that discusses the theme of identity in the book, Night. Consider the following in your response: What were Wiesel’s religious beliefs before, during and after the concentration camp? How do we define ourselves as people? By what we value? Our families? Our friends? Our belongings?rn• You must use direct quotes and examples from the play and other sources to illustrate your argument. Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite these quotes and examples in MLA format wherever necessary. Your essay will be submitted to Turnitin, so do not use web resources such as Sparksnotes, etc. Only use academic resources from the web that are .edu or .org, which can be verified as credible, academic sources. rnRequirements: rn9 The essay must be 4-5 pages in length (approximately 300 words per page).rn10 Use Times 12 point fontrn11 Double Space body of essayrn12 You must use MLA format to support your resources.rn13 Title pagern14 Resource page rnAssessment and Grading: See Essay Assignment Grading RubricrnLearning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6rn1 Demonstrate proficiency in literary analysis.rn2 Demonstrate proficiency in research methods.rn3 Demonstrate familiarity with the critical filed in literary studies and employ several different critical approaches to literature in substantive written work. Critical approaches may include:rn1 Text-based approaches such as formalism, structuralism, and post-structuralism or deconstruction.rn2 Historical and biographical approaches.rn3 Sociological approaches based in Marxist and feminist thought.rn4 Psychoanalytic approaches deriving from Freud, Jung, and/or Lacan.rn4 Correctly employ MLA Documentation style.rn5 Develop organized and coherent analytical essays with a clear thesis for a defined audience.rn6 Show technical control of writing skills.rn
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