Question description
◦A general description of your past academic experience
◦A description of your past experiences specific to 100% online learning at an accredited institution. I need help writing my essay – research paper include specific details regarding the use of information technology and the processes used in the online classroom, the institutions attended, and courses taken online
◦ A synopsis of your academic path, including degree plan along with the course selections to fulfill degree requirements
◦ A synopsis of your career goals, including a plan to apply the degree to a professional future
◦To the extent possible, relate the discussion of your past experience to the learning outcomes expected of a student who successfully completes COLL100 as listed below.
COLL100 Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:
1.State the habits of a successful online student; (Knowledge)
2.Name major formatting and citation styles used in various programs; (Knowledge)
3.Produce written assignments in accordance with Ace homework tutors – APA standards; (Apply)
4.Describe personal learning and motivational styles or attributes and career orientation traits that contribute to academic and career success; (Comprehension)
5.Use ethical research strategies to locate, select, and interpret digital information. (Apply)