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Need help need back saturday 9-26-2020 | Applied Sciences Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.




Examine: Peer Review

Evaluation Title: Preparing for the Peer Review

  • Write two paragraphs, one reflecting on your experiences with peer review and one that discusses ways to offer good feedback.
  • In your first paragraph, reflect on peer review experiences you have had in the past.  When has someone else look over your work or when have you looked over someone else’s work?  If you haven’t had an experience with peer review of writing, think about other times you have given or received feedback.
  • Describe the experience and answer one or two of the following questions:
    • How did you feel giving feedback to someone? 
    • How did you feel receiving feedback to someone? 
    • What was helpful about the review?
    • What was unhelpful about the way the review was conducted?
    • What changes did you or the person you were reviewing make based on the feedback? 
  • In your second paragraph, discuss some principles of effective peer review.  Think about what worked well in your experience.  Think about what could have worked better.  Answer one or two of the following questions in your second paragraph:
    • What do you want others to do when they review your work? 
    • How can you give others thoughtful feedback?
    • What should be the focus of feedback on peer review?
    • Describe the most useful types of peer review comments?

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Ace Tutors
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