Question description

case Case attached : Answer criteria:1,500 words (not including any tables, charts, graphs, or diagrams that may be included in an appendix) 




Analysis of Industry –
SWOT/Porters 5-Force

Analysis of Strategy –
Mission/Competitive Advantage

Key Success Factors

Responsibility Structure –
Investment Center
What type of resonsibility center
should the districts be and why?

Analysis of Capital Investment
Was the project a good fit for
Quality Metal?  Why?  Could have gone into a little more depth.

Performance Measure(s) – EVA

Measurement of Profit &

Uniform vs Differentiated
Should the control system for each
district be customized or should each district fall until the same uniform
control system?

Bonus -Formula-based vs.
Subjective,Mix of Salary/Bonus, 
Not addressed.

  Degree of Profit Sharing

Alignment of Control System
with Strategy
You could focus a little more on
connecting your discussion of the topics/issues to your KSFs.

Other Relevant Issue

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Essays Scribe
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