Question description

2: 21st Century Leadership
Due Week 8 and worth
300 points
The 20th and 21st
centuries have produced many business leaders, such as corporate giants like
Jack Welch of GE, Daymond John of FUBU, Steve Jobs of Apple, and Herb Kelleher
of Southwest. In addition, many hip-hop moguls have risen to prominence, such as
Sean Combs, aka P Diddy, of Bad Boy Records; Russell Simmons, founder of Def
Jam; and Sean Carter, aka Jay Z, of Rock Nation.
Regardless of their
business models and industries, organizational leaders are expected to create
realistic visions for their companies and the people that they guide. However,
such visions often result in vastly different leadership styles. Therefore,
experts have concluded that there is no one best leadership style geared towards
guiding employees and companies to accomplishing organizational
Using the Internet
and Strayer databases, research your favorite senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO,
Director, President, Founder, etc.) from any organization that has made a strong
impact on his or her industry (fashion, music, food, banking, technology,
automotive, etc.).
Ace my homework – Write a six to eight
(6-8) page paper in which you:

Describe the overall
leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. 
Analyze the
organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has
led, or is currently leading, and determine the company’s approach to human
capital management and employee development. Next, explain whether or not you
believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced
workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Provide one to
two (1-2) examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your
Evaluate the
effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical
conduct and effective communication. Next, determine whether the chosen leader
was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining
customer loyalty.
three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to
motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you
believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his
or her industry. Support your rationale with an explanation of the potential
benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best
Use at least five
(5) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not
qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must
follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double
spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow Ace homework tutors – APA or school-specific format. Check
with your professor for any additional instructions.
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a cover page
containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are
not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course
learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

the multiple aspects of the managerial planning process and the application of
various business- and corporate-level strategies.
the importance of ethical behavior to an organization’s culture and the new
ethical dilemmas created by globalization.
viable organizational structures by addressing the key considerations in
organizational structure, applying the process of division of labor, and
adapting basic structural formats.
the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the
fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group
actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong
organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in
technology and information resources to research issues in management
Ace my homework – Write clearly and
concisely about management concepts using proper writing
Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

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Essays Scribe
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