Question description
Robert,I had to repost this question to reset the dates and studypool double charged me ($660.00). Robert,I need the topic youplan to explore and why you selected it and how it impacts the profession(management). Thanks for taking this on!Additionally this week.Topic SelectionFor this course, you’ll be writing one final paper tohighlight the multiplicity of information that you have learned. When writingyour paper, your paper must combine two disciplines. These disciplines may bein courses that you have taken as an elective or actual concentrations you’vecompleted. Unless you have a compelling argument for the professor, yourdisciplines must come from the following list:•Psychology•Sociology•Science•Government•History•Computer Science•Business•Literature•Economics•Criminal JusticeIn developing the consideration of your topic, first of all,think of something you are passionate about. Is it sports? Is it the criminalmind? Is it education? Whatever is passionate for you is what you should bewriting your paper about. The second task you have is to take the topic youwant to write about – and find two different disciplines to interweave itthrough to make a fantastic paper.For instance, as a psychology professor, I am interested inrelationships; specifically – why do people get divorced? When considering thispaper, I might want to interweave Science and Psychology – and write a paperabout “The effects of divorce on the mind and body.” Let’s say I am interestedin this divorce topic, but government is something I am very interested in aswell. I might change my topic to “The ramifications of divorce within the legalsystem and Government’s inability to address the problem.” (Long titles arefine!) Needless to say – the critical thinking aspect of thiscourse begins with this assignment. You are tasked with not only coming up witha topic, but being able to creatively intertwine it through your paper allsemester long.Extended Directions: In the week two discussion, you are tocome up with three different topic ideas. It could be like I did above, whereyou take divorce and interweave it through different disciplines (Psychologyand Science, Psychology and Government, Psychology and Criminal Justice (as athird?)). It could be three completely unrelated topics. As part of theassignment, you are to:•List the two disciplines you are intertwining (Discipline 1:XXXXXX, Discipline 2: XXXXXX)• Give the title for the topic of the paper• Write about 100 words detailing what you would accomplish inthis paperAlthough I will ultimately let you choose the paper topicyou want, I will give you my opinions while understanding the differentresearch that you are able to find. Your paper topic must be from approveddisciplines and should be able to be exclusively researched using peer reviewedliterature. If the primary research will come from the web, it will not beallowed.In our discussion, you will also post your topics; you willthen be asked to comment on at least two other students’ topics, giving youropinion about which of their topics you find the most compelling and thinkwould be best for them to do. Through this process, you should receive valuablefeedback from other students that will help you to select and better defineyour topic. 5 days agoRobert,What is the topic for this report? 5 days agoRobert,I really need to know what the topic will be so I can writea post tonight. Thanks5 days agoRobert F history or goevement I think goeverment will be great as a hot topic at themoment 5 days agoROLE OF GOVERMENT IN BUSINESS.docx 4 days agoplease check the attached I have chosen government 4 days agoGaffersolo2 Robert,This is perfect for the post. Thanks!! 4 days agoRobert F you are most than welcome. do you want to extend the time asit will be for how many weeks and do not want you to pay earlier 4 days agoI need all the information to start working on the course please4 days agoPlease I need all the chapters … can you give me theinformation to be able to continue the work 2 days agoGaffersolo2 Robert, Do you know how to extend the time on this question.Additionaly attached is this weeks work. Thanks.WK3Discipline Areas (Bodies of Knowledge)The following topic(s) will demonstrate what the discussionis about, but feel free to branch off or expand on the topics. At the end ofthe discussion, you will be asked to craft a 150 word reflection on what youhave learned through this conversation and post it to the Weekly ReflectionJournal. The more active you are in this part of the discussion, the more youwill have to draw from in your reflection, so get involved, be active, help outyour classmates when they need it, and, most of all, enjoy the conversation.Your research paper must address a profession-related issuefrom at least two discipline perspectives. Please discuss the followingquestions about your proposed project:1.How do the two areas you have selected relate to theissue?2.How do they appear to overlap?3.What challenges have you encountered so far in findinginformation relevant to your topic and how will you address those challenges?After you have posted your discussion, please comment to at least two of yourpeers. Reflection JournalThis week, through our work, we have looked ahead at how weshould approach crafting a research project and the steps we should take toprepare the best project we can in the time we have available to us.Additionally, we have begun to explore the following course outcomes:•Survey professional journals, magazines, books and othertexts for topic source validity•Analyze extensive research data•Combine two specialized areas of expertise with awell-rounded understanding of the sociological and cultural implications of thespecialized knowledgeIn this reflection journal, in at least 150 words, reflectback on what you have learned so far through the course readings, assignment(if you’ve completed it yet), and our discussion. Consider the followingquestions to guide your reflection:•What, if anything, did you find surprising, particularlychallenging, interesting, or useful?•From what you know about this course so far, whatconnections can you make to previous learning experiences, and how do you thinkthis course will help you as you move forward in your college and professionallife?•How do the course outcomes for this week apply to yourexperience so far?•What questions do you still need answered?Article Evaluation Checklist and Mind-MappingComplete the Evaluation of a Research Article Checklist (pp.65-66 of the text) and then draw a mind map (p. 61 of the text).Prepare a summary narrative of what you discovered andinclude both worksheets (mind map and article checklist) with it.Submit these as a single document to the assignment dropbox. 1 day agoRobert F I will ask studypool customer… you need to go to dates andextend but changes are made anyhow I will be with you all the time ..but if you cannotextend do not pay me any extra money or tip as will not go to me after theextension. It will go to studypool and no need to waste your money 1 day agoGaffersolo2 WK3 book questions.pdf Article Evaluation Checklist and Mind-MappingComplete the Evaluation of a Research Article Checklist (pp.65-66 of the text) and then draw a mind map (p. 61 of the text).Prepare a summary narrative of what you discovered andinclude both worksheets (mind map and article checklist) with it.Submit these as a single document to the assignment dropbox. 1 day agoRobert F IS THIS added to what you have prepared above 1 day agoGaffersolo2 Robert,No, it’s the Evaluation of a Research Article Checklist outof the text (pp. 65-66 of the text) for the Article Evaluation Checklist andMind-Mapping question. 22 hours agoRobert F BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT, AND REGULATION.docx let me know if you need anything to be changed or added